- Birchall
Catherine b. about 1899
- Birchenough
Betty b. about 1849, d. 1897Charles b. 1846, d. about 1911James b. about 1879Lizzie b. about 1884, d. about 1887Maria b. 1870, d. about 1957Martha b. about 1874
- Birchill
Elizabeth b. 1783, d. between 1841 and 1851
- Birchler
Barbara b. 1865, d. 1948Frank b. 1865, d. 1955
- Bird
Adelade b. 1847Adelaide b. 1847Amos b. 1859Ann b. 1827Annes b. 1846Annis b. 1846Charles b. 1827, d. 1891Charles b. 1867Dorothy Maud b. 1921, d. 2011Elizabeth b. about 1705, d. before 1766Elizabeth b. about 1705, d. before 1766Elizabeth Scott b. 1846, d. about 1925Emma b. 1854Emma b. 1855George b. 1853Hannah b. between 1821 and 1826Harry b. about 1912Katharine b. 1912Martha b. 1829Martha b. 1862Mary b. 1832Mary Anne b. 1825, d. about 1852Mona b. 1922, d. about 2000Sarah b. between 1786 and 1791Stephen b. 1849
- Bird (cont.)
Thomas b. between 1811 and 1816William b. between 1786 and 1791Wlliam b. 1865
- Birkbeck
Jean E b. 1941, d. 2005
- Birkby
Alfred b. 1844Frankling George b. 1852George Dearingley b. 1823, d. 1891George Dearinley b. 1823, d. 1891George Dearningley b. 1823, d. 1891George Dearnley b. 1823, d. 1891Henry b. about 1758John b. 1855Lydia Ann Dearnley b. 1849Mary b. 1825Mary Ann b. 1788Mary Ann Darnley b. about 1847Mary Ann Dearinley b. about 1847Mary Ann Dearnally b. about 1847Mary Ann Dearnley b. about 1847William b. about 1786
- Birkett
Annie b. 1904Charlotte Annie b. 1881, d. 1946Leonard William b. 1917May b. 1906Mildred b. about 1909
Robert Dearnley b. 1908, d. about 1982
William b. 1881 - Birkinshaw
Ann b. 1833Emma b. 1835Francis b. 1812Hannah b. 1813, d. 1862John b. about 1837Joseph b. 1840Maria b. 1844Moses b. 1843
- Birkley
George b. 1823, d. 1891
- Birtenshaw
Phebe b. about 1741
- Birtwell
Harold b. about 1918James b. about 1831, d. before 1883Jeffrey b. 1859Maria b. 1919, d. 2000Martha Ellen b. about 1861
- Bish
Elizabeth b. 1770, d. about 1856John b. about 1769
- Bishop of Auvergne
Miss b. about 429
- Bishop
George Benjamin b. 1847
Gloria Dearnley b. 1927, d. 1999
Julia b. about 1850Leroy C b. about 1920Mary b. about 1680Sarah b. 1812, d. 1889Thomas O b. about 1913Winifred b. 1913 - Bissell
Arthur E b. about 1904Violet E b. 1905
- Bitternose
Barbara b. 1954, d. 2020
- Black
Charles Henry b. 1901, d. about 1981Donald b. 1935Florence b. 1907Kenneth b. about 1940, d. 2018
- Blackburn
James W b. about 1915Mabel b. 1922, d. 2016Maria b. 1819Sarah Ann b. 1837William b. about 1815William James b. about 1915
- Blacker
Mary b. 1820Sarah b. about 1769
- Blackledge
Mary Ellen b. 1874, d. 1901
- Blackmore
Bessie Louisa b. 1902
- Blackshaw
Thomas b. about 1794
- Blackwell
Margaret Alice b. 1876, d. about 1958Sarah b. 1817Thomas b. about 1817
- Blackwood
George b. 1916Gladys b. 1918, d. about 1993Jemima Adeline Beatrice b. 1880, d. 1964Jemima Countess of Darnley b. 1880, d. 1964
- Blain
Agnes b. about 1906
- Blair
Agnes Beatson b. 1870, d. 1962Andrew B b. 1868George b. 1841George B b. 1874George Woodburn b. 1904, d. about 1986James D b. 1880Jeannie Tuck b. 1847Nora b. 1903, d. 1991
- Blake
Elizabeth b. about 1736
- Blakeley
Nancy b. about 1838
- Blakeway
Kate b. 1863William b. about 1847, d. before 1887
- Blakey
Emily b. 1876, d. 1951Henry b. about 1847John b. 1875, d. before 1939
- Blessed
Iris Ida b. 1915, d. 1997
- Bletcher
Alfred b. 1855, d. about 1922Hilda Mary b. 1903Marion b. 1892Marjorie Dearnley b. 1898, d. 1990Sadie b. 1896Sallie b. 1896Saolia b. 1896Sarah Anna b. 1864, d. about 1941Sarah Annette b. 1899Tom b. 1893
- Bligh
Alice Isabella Harriet b. 1860Arthur Frederick Pelham b. 1865Constance Violet Lucy b. 1869Daphne Rachel b. about 1888, d. 1948Edith Louisa Mary b. 1853Edward b. 1795, d. 1835Edward (5th Earl of Darnley) b. 1795, d. 1835Edward Henry Stuart b. 1851, d. 1900Edward Henry Stuart (7th Earl of Darnley) b. 1851, d. 1900Edward Henry Stuart (Lord Lipton) b. 1851, d. 1900Emma Jane b. 1805, d. 1884Esme Ivo b. 1886, d. 1955Esme Ivo (9th Earl of Darnley) b. 1886, d. 1955Florence Rose b. 1860, d. 1944Harriet Mary b. 1829, d. 1905Ivo Francis Walter b. 1859, d. 1927Ivo Francis Walter (8th Earl of Darnley) b. 1859, d. 1927Jemima Adeline Beatrice b. 1880, d. 1964John Stuart b. 1827, d. 1896John Stuart (6th Earl of Darnley) b. 1827, d. 1896Kathleen Susan Emma b. 1854Mary Rose Florence b. 1868Nancy Ellinor b. 1901Peter Stuart b. 1915, d. 1980Peter Stuart (10th Earl of Darnley) b. 1915, d. 1980
- Bligh (cont.)
Rosemary b. 1916
- Blinco
Elizabeth Maria b. about 1873, d. about 1936
- Blincoe
Elizabeth Maria b. about 1873, d. about 1936
- Blocher
Elizabeth b. 1757, d. 1840
- Blond
Em b. about 1563Robert b. about 1560
- Bloom
Marion b. 1899
- Blowes
Elizabeth Ann b. 1934, d. 2005
- Blumburg
Ida b. about 1856
- Blundell
(?) b. about 1845Gladys b. 1890Herbert b. 1891, d. about 1964John A T b. 1923John H K b. 1891, d. about 1964Mary b. 1845Rita Gladys b. 1916, d. 1991Winnifred b. 1872Wynifred b. 1872
- Blunden
Doris Victoria b. 1911, d. about 1998Herbert S b. about 1909
- Blyth
Mary Cairns b. 1901
- Boag
Edith Mary b. 1878
- Boardman
Emma b. 1856Emma b. 1891, d. 1984Harriet H b. 1887, d. about 1957James b. 1857Jane b. about 1845Job b. about 1818Jonas b. 1840, d. about 1916Joseph b. about 1845Martha Mary b. 1873
- Bocking
Abraham b. 1810, d. 1810Alice b. 1783, d. 1821Allen b. 1819, d. 1821Carolina b. 1816Caroline b. 1816Hannah b. about 1754Harriet b. 1806, d. 1806Harriet b. 1812Mary Ann b. 1812Robert b. 1810, d. 1811William b. about 1754
William b. 1782, d. 1869
- Bocock
James b. about 1727
- Boddy
Gwendoline b. 1920, d. 2004Minna b. about 1891, d. about 1935William b. 1888
- Boden
Margaret b. 1747, d. 1817Margerit b. 1747, d. 1817Margreat b. 1747, d. 1817
- Bodman
Ann b. about 1831, d. 1865Ann b. about 1836
- Bodmin
Annie b. about 1831, d. 1865
- Bogle
Dorothy b. 1909, d. 1994
- Boleman
Ada Constance b. 1880, d. 1947
Constance b. 1908Elizabeth b. 1916Gordon b. 1917Herbert Lamoyne b. 1878Kenneth b. 1912Lemoyne b. 1909 - Bollom
Elizabeth Ann b. 1845Hannah b. about 1822, d. before 1849James b. about 1793James b. 1821, d. about 1888James b. 1851Sarah b. 1814, d. about 1894
- Bolton
Betty K b. about 1922Douglas P b. about 1919Edna b. about 1911Eliza b. 1821Elizabeth Ann b. 1862, d. 1933Jane b. about 1827Lavina Alice b. 1873, d. about 1949Sybil Mary b. 1921, d. about 1984Thomas b. about 1826, d. 1871Thomas b. 1871William b. 1836
- Bond
Clarice Mable b. 1908Mable Clarice b. 1908
- Bone
Amelia b. 1831
- Boness
Brenda b. 1918, d. about 1987Ethel R b. 1884, d. about 1953Martha Collis b. 1855Rose Ethel b. 1884, d. about 1953William George b. about 1861
- Bonfield
Eva Lilian b. 1903
- Bontoft
Albert b. 1886, d. about 1963Arthur b. 1916, d. about 1981Clare b. 1914Hannah b. 1885, d. about 1970John b. 1915, d. about 1993Kathleen b. about 1911, d. about 1913Marjorie b. 1920Richard Edward b. 1912, d. about 1971
Roy William Dearnley b. about 1927, d. 2004
- Boocock
Arthur b. 1868Clara b. about 1874Elizabeth b. 1835, d. about 1920William b. 1826
- Booman
Anne b. about 1836
- Boote
Herbert b. 1903Jessie Herbert b. 1869Samuel b. 1865
- Booth
(?) b. about 1788, d. before 1827(?) b. about 1800Abel b. 1813Abraham b. 1854Ada b. 1880Adam b. about 1799Adelina b. 1860, d. about 1900Adeline b. 1860, d. about 1900Albert b. 1893Alfred b. 1848Alice Jane b. 1854Alice Maude W b. 1911, d. about 1997Allen b. 1862Ann b. 1812Ann b. 1818Ann b. 1835Ann b. 1842, d. about 1880Ann Fish b. 1830Ann T b. 1878Anne b. about 1860Annie b. 1861Annie b. 1861Annie b. about 1868Annie b. 1878Annie b. 1881
- Booth (cont.)
Annie b. about 1894Arthur b. 1860Arthur b. 1909Barbara Ann b. 1946, d. 2001Ben b. 1837, d. between 1891 and 1901Ben b. 1847, d. 1853Ben b. 1899Benjamin b. 1837, d. between 1891 and 1901Betsy Ann b. about 1873Betty b. 1813Betty b. 1817, d. about 1839Britannia b. 1887Cecil Arthur b. 1893, d. 1982Cecile Mildred b. 1919, d. 2002Celia b. 1916Charles b. 1800Charles b. 1838Charles b. 1840Charles b. about 1868Clara b. 1877Clara Wood b. 1877Dorothy b. about 1560, d. 1624Dorothy b. about 1899Douglas b. about 1915Easter b. 1840
- Booth (cont.)
Ebby b. 1867Edith b. 1864Edwin b. 1901, d. 1946Eliza b. about 1817Eliza Ann b. 1858Elizabeth b. about 1622Elizabeth b. about 1644Elizabeth b. 1711Elizabeth b. 1802Elizabeth b. 1822, d. between 1882 and 1891Elizabeth b. 1826, d. about 1901Elizabeth b. 1855Elizabeth b. 1861Elizabeth b. 1869, d. about 1896Ellen b. 1833Ellen b. 1837, d. 1888Ellen b. 1843Ellen A b. 1859Elsie b. 1898, d. 1937Emanuel b. 1846, d. about 1903Emily b. 1858Emily b. about 1890Emma b. 1836, d. about 1875Emma b. 1839, d. 1904Emma Darnley b. 1912, d. about 1986
- Booth (cont.)
Emmanuel b. 1840Emmanuel b. 1846, d. about 1903Esther b. 1848
Ethel b. 1893, d. 1939
Evelyn Marie b. 1928, d. 1994Fanny b. 1845Florence Alma b. 1922, d. 1998Florence Caroline b. 1896, d. 1972
Frances Ann b. 1900, d. 1903Fred b. 1868Fred b. 1877Fred b. 1880Fred b. about 1890George b. about 1809George b. about 1820George b. 1842George b. 1843George b. 1844George Elliott b. 1880Grace b. 1797Grace b. about 1842Hannah b. about 1650Hannah b. about 1769Hannah b. 1791Hannah b. 1829 - Booth (cont.)
Hannah b. 1839Hannah b. 1850Harold b. 1885
Harold b. 1891, d. 1970
Harry b. 1852Harry b. 1865Harry b. 1895Henry b. 1824, d. 1886Henry b. 1831Herbert b. 1866Herbert b. about 1897Hilda Mary b. 1900James b. about 1764James b. 1840Jane b. 1786, d. 1873Jane b. 1842Jane Ann b. 1856, d. about 1896Jenny b. 1786, d. 1873Joe b. about 1871John b. about 1710John b. about 1739John b. about 1786John b. 1821John b. 1823John b. 1835 - Booth (cont.)
John b. 1836John b. 1844John b. 1862John b. 1872John Samuel b. 1896Jonas b. 1767