- Partridge
Linda L b. about 1962Mary b. 1810, d. 1885
- Pashley
Betty b. 1812, d. 1888
Doris b. 1911, d. 1990
Ernest Dearnley b. 1881, d. 1919Ethel b. 1894, d. 1950George b. 1807, d. 1859Jacob b. about 1898James Henry b. 1864, d. about 1942John b. 1837John Abraham b. about 1892Lucy Ann b. about 1890Martha Ann b. 1843, d. 1916Mary b. about 1912Mary Ann b. about 1864, d. 1900May Evlyn b. 1894Priscilla b. about 1896Prissila b. about 1896Raymond b. 1912, d. 1974
Sam b. 1840Sarah Ellen b. 1851Shara Ellen b. 1851 - Pass
Abraham b. 1837, d. about 1870Ann b. 1801, d. 1873Arthur b. 1869Hannah b. 1795James b. about 1795Lydia b. 1840Mary Ann b. 1864Philip b. about 1822
- Patch
Linda Mary b. 1925, d. 1997
- Pateman
Edmund b. about 1821Elizabeth b. 1811Martha b. about 1854
- Paterson
Alexander b. about 1772Alexander b. 1829Archibald b. 1822, d. about 1898Archibald b. 1847, d. before 1859Archibald b. 1859Catherine b. 1844Donald b. 1842Donald John b. 1877Duncan b. 1834Duncan b. 1876Eliza b. 1879Elizabeth b. 1879Farquhar b. 1848Farquhar b. 1872Flora b. 1856, d. 1890Flora b. 1888, d. 1954Hannah b. 1805Hannah b. 1870Hannah b. 1875Harriet b. 1826, d. about 1906Harriet b. 1855Helen b. 1831Hugh b. 1798, d. 1867Hugh b. 1873Hugh b. 1886
- Paterson (cont.)
James b. 1845James b. 1847, d. after 1908Jemima b. 1851Jim b. 1908, d. about 1990John b. 1837Mary b. about 1772Mary b. 1833Mary Ann b. 1853Matilda b. 1857Rebecca b. 1884, d. 1964Roderick b. 1877, d. 1907Swannie b. 1884, d. 1964William James b. 1908, d. about 1990Winifred b. about 1910
- Patience
Dorothy Edith F b. about 1904, d. about 1936
- Paton
(?) b. about 1824, d. before 1861Christana b. 1855Robert b. 1824Sarah b. 1824Unknown b. about 1824, d. before 1861
- Patrick
Alexander Bailey b. 1918, d. 2002
Alfred b. 1841, d. 1894
Alfred Palmer b. 1884, d. 1915Alice May Wilmot b. about 1891Annie Maud b. 1888, d. 1957Annie Maud b. 1888, d. 1957Colin Dearnley b. 1890, d. about 1965
Douglas Dearnley b. 1916, d. 2006
Herbert Thomas b. 1884, d. 1957Herbert Thomas b. 1916, d. 1992Ida Dearnley b. 1914, d. 2011
Ida Mary b. 1886Jean Estelle b. about 1920Kenneth Wilmot b. about 1922, d. 1994Lorna May b. 1913Maria Dearnley b. 1859, d. 1941
Mary Ann b. about 1905Nancy Maud b. 1888, d. 1957Noel Gordon b. 1924Noelle Joy b. about 1925Ronald Arthur b. 1919, d. 1942
Thora Alaque b. 1914, d. 2010Uncle Bert b. 1916, d. 1992 - Patrickson
Hannah b. 1842Hugh b. about 1841Mary b. 1865
- Pattenson
Catherine b. 1857
- Pattermore
Mary Elizabeth b. 1835, d. 1896
- Patterson
Annie b. 1870, d. 1930Catherine b. 1857James b. about 1910James M b. about 1868Myra Vincent b. 1913Nola Joy b. 1951, d. 2015Susan b. 1877
- Paul
Maggie b. 1881, d. about 1937Margaret b. 1881, d. about 1937
- Paulk
Carlton R b. about 1917Carol Elizabeth b. 1945, d. 2021Elizabeth B b. about 1917
- Paulson
Annie M b. about 1884Felice Margaret Marjory b. about 1915Henry E b. 1884Louis b. about 1856Nils P b. about 1856Oswald Scott b. about 1906Scott b. about 1906
- Paumer
Mary b. 1619, d. after 1660
- Paupau, PauPau
Comner b. about 1824, d. before 1880Harriet b. 1868James b. 1858John b. 1856, d. 1906Julia b. 1863Magdalen b. 1860, d. 1939Margaret b. 1860, d. 1939Rebecca b. 1866, d. 1916Sarah b. 1855William b. 1853
- Paupaw
Comney b. about 1824, d. before 1880Couney b. about 1824, d. before 1880John b. 1856, d. 1906Rebecca b. 1830Rebecca J b. 1866, d. 1916
- Pawpaw
Common b. about 1824, d. before 1880Margaret b. 1860, d. 1939Rebecca J b. 1866, d. 1916
- Pawson
Edith b. 1861, d. 1900Edith Mary b. 1896, d. 1958Janet b. 1824Jeanne Louise Marguerite b. 1899, d. 1986John b. about 1830John Albert b. 1889, d. 1975Mary Isabel b. 1896, d. 1965Percy Norman b. 1893, d. 1959Thomas Atkinson b. 1858, d. 1938
- Paxman
Mabel b. 1902, d. about 1979William H b. 1907
- Paxton
Mary b. about 1829
- Payne
Amy b. about 1899Francis S b. about 1909Margaret b. about 1755Margaret b. 1909, d. 1988
- Payton
Charles George Brock b. 1875, d. about 1901Eliza b. about 1875George b. 1845Sarah b. 1839
- Peace
Amelia b. 1854, d. 1934Caroline b. 1869Dorothy b. about 1913Eliza Angelina b. 1873, d. about 1947Elsie b. about 1910Frederick b. about 1826Harriet b. 1855, d. about 1930Harriot b. 1825James Walter b. about 1853James Willie b. 1882, d. 1918John b. about 1818Lilian b. 1910Lister b. 1862Mary b. about 1828Mary b. 1848Norah Novella b. 1883, d. about 1975Sam b. 1850Unknown b. about 1818, d. before 1851Uriah b. 1851William b. 1824
- Peacock
Ada b. 1908Stella Frances b. about 1922, d. 2008Thomas W b. 1900
- Peake
Lucy b. about 1582Martha b. about 1605
- Peaker
Duncan b. 1938, d. about 1940Horace b. 1913, d. about 1989Phyllis b. 1910, d. about 1988
- Pearce
Jean Elvy b. 1916, d. 2004Kizia b. 1854Mary b. 1829, d. after 1881Olive Maud b. 1905, d. about 1982William b. 1801
- Pearman
Emma b. about 1838, d. 1872James b. 1780Mary Ann b. 1813, d. about 1873
- Pearneley
Johannes b. about 1660, d. before 1721
- Pears
Alec b. about 1917Margaret Louisa b. 1918, d. 1985
- Pearse
Mary b. 1829, d. after 1881
- Pearson
Abram b. 1876Adelaide b. 1883, d. 1963Arthur b. 1903Constance Muriel b. 1905, d. about 2003David b. 1851Edith b. about 1880Edith b. 1922, d. 2016Eliza b. 1840Elizabeth b. between 1802 and 1806Ellen b. about 1880Emma b. 1842, d. 1884Emma b. 1853Emma b. 1911Florence b. 1874Francis J b. 1853George William b. 1851Hannah b. 1736Hannah b. 1817Irene b. 1918, d. about 1997James b. about 1735Jane Maria b. 1844Jean b. 1926, d. 2010John b. about 1844Joseph b. 1806Joyce Annie b. 1919
- Pearson (cont.)
Mary b. 1808Mary b. 1851Ruth Louise b. 1898, d. about 1955Sam b. 1836Samuel b. between 1801 and 1806Samuel b. 1835Samuel b. 1875Sarah b. 1757William b. 1837William b. about 1883
- Pearsone
Alicia b. about 1541Robert b. about 1541
- Peck
Alfred David b. about 1898Alice Margaret b. about 1902Arthur Frederick b. 1863, d. about 1939Arthur James b. about 1890Ellen b. about 1888Emily Jane b. about 1886Ernest John b. about 1904Ernest William b. about 1892Jane b. 1867, d. about 1938Nellie b. about 1888Rose b. about 1895Rosina b. about 1895William b. about 1892
- Peckett
Charles Henry b. 1872Emily b. 1870Herbert b. 1898Jack Dearnaly b. about 1904, d. about 1998Jack Dearnley b. about 1904, d. about 1998Rena b. about 1907, d. 2003
- Peddell
Eliza b. about 1836
- Pedroso de Albuquerque
Agnes Simpson b. 1860, d. about 1893
Antonio Manuel b. about 1875, d. 1913Beatrice Alice b. 1865, d. about 1945Clara Luiza b. about 1873Clara Matilda Anna b. 1830, d. about 1870Dorothea b. about 1878, d. 1952Edward Wipperman b. 1859, d. about 1861Elizabeth S b. about 1922Francis b. 1907Francisca Luisa b. about 1876, d. about 1876Francisco Antonio b. 1830, d. about 1908Francisco Antonio b. 1857Inez Marie b. 1904, d. about 1977John b. 1865, d. about 1941Lewis b. 1911, d. about 1969Mary b. 1889, d. 1973Mary Amelia b. 1879, d. about 1953Mary Jane b. 1850, d. 1892Mary Patricia b. 1916Michael b. 1921, d. about 2006Nino b. 1894, d. about 1969Valeria Ash b. 1912, d. about 1974William b. about 1880, d. about 1880William Henry b. 1893, d. 1955 - Pedrozo D'Albuquerque, Pedrozo d'Albuquerque
Clara Matilda Anna b. 1830, d. about 1870Francisco Antonio b. 1857
- Peeks
Clara Edith b. about 1879Clara Ethel b. about 1879Clara Jane b. about 1853, d. about 1924Dorice M b. 1893Doris Meadows b. 1893Emily Ellen b. about 1886Emily Helen b. about 1886Henry b. 1848Henry Foxton b. about 1875Ida Elise b. 1895Jeanne M b. 1921Leslie Darnley b. 1889, d. about 1981Leslie Darnly b. 1889, d. about 1981Sarah A b. 1890
- Peel
Betty b. 1765, d. between 1851 and 1861Elizabeth b. 1765, d. between 1851 and 1861
- Pegg
Alice b. about 1897Barney Lee b. about 1887, d. 1983Irma A b. 1915, d. 1987Zetta b. about 1887, d. 1963
- Pegram
Emma b. 1870, d. 1912
Harold b. 1897Ivy b. 1900Minnie Harriet b. 1894
William b. about 1868, d. before 1909William b. 1896 - Pelham
Harriet Mary (Lady) b. 1829, d. 1905Henry Thomas b. about 1801
- Pell
Alfred b. 1853Annie b. 1857Annie b. 1918, d. about 1974Bruce b. 1921Caroline b. 1826Charlie b. 1885Eveline b. 1882Evelyn b. 1882Frank b. about 1915Geneva b. about 1912George Wilfred b. 1896, d. about 1968Harold Victor b. 1891, d. 1951Herbert Edgar b. 1879Hilda Maggie b. 1888Joseph b. about 1797Leslie b. 1920, d. about 1991Marian b. 1895Mary A b. 1895Nellie b. 1917, d. about 2005Philip b. 1925Ruth b. 1914, d. about 1999William b. about 1912
- Pemberton
Charles b. about 1822Nancy b. 1850, d. about 1877
- Penardim
- Pendlebury
Hannah b. 1809John b. about 1810, d. before 1851Mary b. 1791Susannah b. 1813, d. about 1867Thomas b. 1838Thomas b. 1838William b. 1789
- Penfold
Florence Gladys b. 1893, d. 1952Walter Henry b. 1885, d. 1950
- Penney
Allan b. 1869Allen b. 1869Annie b. 1905Doris b. 1898Edith b. 1869Edith b. 1899Ethel b. 1903Ivy b. 1911, d. 1993James b. about 1837James b. 1902Jane b. 1865, d. before 1925Lilea b. 1864, d. about 1942Lilia b. 1864, d. about 1942Lillica b. 1864, d. about 1942Robert b. about 1841Ronald b. 1896
- Pennington
Judith b. about 1588
- Penny
Jane b. 1865, d. before 1925
- Pepin
Carloman b. 773, d. 810Karlmann b. 773, d. 810
- Peplow
Elizabeth b. 1852Elizabeth Ann b. 1880, d. about 1901Ellen b. 1883William R b. 1855
- Pepper
Elizabeth b. 1697Ethel b. 1875Francis b. about 1703
- Percy
Lavinia Clara b. 1863, d. 1924
- Percye
Joan b. about 1473Johan b. about 1473