- Perkin
Elizabeth b. about 1749Robert b. about 1749
- Perkins
Eliza Fairhead b. about 1855Elizabeth b. 1824Marjorie Dearnley b. 1898, d. 1990Wilfrid George Albert b. 1891William b. 1821
- Perocho
Agustin b. about 1925Maxima b. about 1916Tomasa b. about 1936
- Perrin
Hiram James b. 1889Jane b. 1834, d. 1915Richard b. 1816, d. 1886Sarah Mable Wilson b. 1885
- Perrins
Elizabeth b. 1863, d. 1938Elizabeth Kerr b. 1863, d. 1938George b. 1860, d. 1933Jane b. 1834, d. 1915Jane b. 1858, d. 1931Richard b. 1816, d. 1886Sarah Ann b. 1866, d. 1938
- Perry
Doreen Lilian b. 1914, d. 1981Henry G b. about 1886Mary b. about 1920Victoria b. 1897
- Perrydusky
Augusta C b. 1867
- Peters
(?) b. about 1912Brandson b. about 1726, d. about 1783Branson b. about 1726, d. about 1783Elizabeth b. 1811John b. 1755Mary b. about 1912Rachel b. 1773Sarah b. 1757Susan b. 1733Thomas b. 1779, d. 1863Unknown b. about 1912Veronica b. about 1918, d. 2010
- Peterson
Anna L b. 1863
- Petrich
Arnold b. 1918, d. 2003Dora b. 1921, d. 1991
- Pettengal
Allen b. 1802Ann b. 1789Ann b. about 1799Anne b. 1820Caroline b. 1786Caroline b. 1805Eliza b. 1814Elizabeth b. 1766Elizabeth b. about 1771Elizabeth b. 1797Emma b. 1827Fanny b. 1791Hannah b. 1817James Astwood b. 1799John b. 1771John b. 1787John b. 1823, d. between 1881 and 1891Judith b. about 1785Lydia b. 1788, d. after 1871Margaret b. 1777Martha b. 1826Mary b. 1743Mary b. 1766Mary Astwood b. 1795Nancy b. 1769
- Pettengal (cont.)
Peggy b. 1777Sally b. 1773Sarah b. 1793Sarah b. 1808Sarah b. 1809William b. about 1740William b. 1765William b. 1783, d. 1829William b. 1811, d. about 1880
- Pettengall
Anne Astwood b. 1820
- Pettengell
Ann b. 1820Ann b. 1865Elizabeth b. about 1771Emma b. 1827George b. about 1869James b. 1856John b. 1771John b. 1787John b. 1823, d. between 1881 and 1891John b. 1845Judith b. about 1785Mary b. 1735Mary b. 1743Mary b. 1862Susan b. 1823, d. 1859Thomas b. 1872William b. about 1740
- Pettenjell
John b. 1823, d. between 1881 and 1891William b. 1783, d. 1829
- Pettet
Mary b. about 1713
- Pettingell
Florence b. 1888, d. about 1975Kate b. 1888, d. about 1975
- Pettinger
Arthur H b. 1867George William b. 1900Mary Ann b. 1876
- Pettit
Lina Francis b. 1908, d. 1994
- Petts
Ethel b. 1903
Harry b. 1902
Lizzie b. about 1873Sheila b. 1935, d. 1950
Thomas b. about 1873 - Petty
Alfred Hallam b. 1890Eleanor Mary b. 1884Jack b. 1886, d. 1977John Darneley b. 1886, d. 1977Margaret E b. 1882Mortimer b. 1851, d. about 1931Nellie Margaret b. 1896Richard Mortimer b. 1880Sarah Hallam b. between 1852 and 1856, d. 1933
- Phare
Audrey Joan b. 1921, d. 2015
- Pharoah
Ann b. about 1687, d. 1724Anne b. about 1687, d. 1724
- Phenix
Ann b. 1777, d. 1849John b. 1775, d. 1852John b. 1807Julia b. 1806, d. 1806Sarah b. 1804William b. 1799
- Philipps
Eileen Novello b. 1912, d. 1991
- Phillips
Clara Ann b. 1847Elizabeth Lilian b. about 1874Emily b. about 1888Florence b. 1905Geoffrey Charles b. 1919, d. about 1995George Siddall b. 1852Harold J b. 1907Henry b. about 1865Henry Douglas Lloyd b. 1894Irene A b. about 1938, d. about 1938Sarah b. 1782, d. 1821Thomas b. about 1781
- Philpot
Eileen W b. 1913Percy F b. 1907
- Philpott
Margaret Winifred b. about 1910, d. 1992
- Phipps
Mary Ann b. between 1739 and 1741
- Phoenix
Barbara Christine b. about 1953, d. 2019
- Pickard
Alice b. 1811Edward b. 1808Joel b. about 1774Martha b. 1774Mary b. about 1809, d. about 1843Mary A b. 1840
- Pickels
Susannah b. about 1798, d. before 1841
- Pickering
Alfred b. 1901Daniel b. about 1825, d. 1857Elizabeth b. 1831, d. about 1868Ellen b. about 1867Fanny b. about 1865Fanny b. 1896George b. 1850Joan Margaret b. 1930, d. 1975John b. 1863John b. 1892Leonard b. 1895, d. 1955Lillie b. 1898Lizzie b. 1887Lucy b. 1886Mary b. 1825Mary Ann b. about 1848Mary H b. about 1848Nellie b. 1896, d. 1956Sarah b. 1890Thomas b. about 1867Thomas b. 1885William b. 1894
- Pickersgill
Gladys Hilda b. 1917, d. 2006Kenneth F b. 1915, d. about 1961
- Pickett
Mary b. 1724, d. 1786Mary b. 1854, d. about 1903
- Pickles
Ann Dearnley b. 1855, d. 1886John E b. about 1886, d. before 1918Mabel b. 1891, d. about 1978Martha Dearnley b. 1824, d. 1894Susan b. about 1798, d. before 1841Susannah b. about 1798, d. before 1841
- Pickup
J D b. 1852, d. before 1921Joseph b. 1806Margaret Ann b. 1854Maria Ann b. 1877, d. about 1944Mary b. 1811, d. 1851Sarah b. 1832
- Pietsch
Annie b. 1896, d. about 1976Frank b. 1864Frank b. 1899Franz b. 1864Martha Mary b. 1873Theodore b. 1898
- Piggott
Ann b. 1767
- Pilkington
Abraham b. 1815Elizabeth Alice b. about 1892, d. 1950Elizabrth b. 1828Ellen b. 1788, d. 1827Ellen b. 1818Elsie b. about 1914, d. about 1915James b. 1887, d. about 1958Jennie b. 1919, d. about 1997Jenny b. 1919, d. about 1997John b. about 1795John b. 1826Joseph b. 1830
Joyce b. 1916, d. 2010
Lillie b. 1916, d. 1999Mary P D O'M b. 1916Queenie b. 1910, d. about 1911Sarah b. 1820Stanley J b. about 1915Thomas b. 1823William b. about 1916Zachariah b. about 1888 - Pimblett
Ellen b. 1853
- Pimloe
Ellen b. about 1750John b. 1778Thomas b. about 1750
- Pinder
Sarah b. about 1764
- Pink
Hannah b. 1810Joseph b. about 1818Martha b. 1847
- Pinkerton
Mary b. about 1889
- Pinnock
Henry G b. about 1910, d. before 1939Irene F b. 1912
- Pippin the Middle
Alpaida b. about 654
- Pippin the Younger
Bertrada b. 720, d. 783
- Pippin
Pepin the short b. 714, d. 768
- Pisarz
Mary b. about 1883
- Piscitello
Angelina b. 1872Dominic b. about 1870Mary Eleanor b. 1907, d. 1992
- Pitman
Mary S E b. about 1904, d. 1961
- Pittam
Florence May b. 1926, d. 2002
- Pittman
Sally b. about 1904, d. 1961
- Place
Gloria Dearnley b. 1927, d. 1999
Unknown b. about 1927 - Plant
Ellen b. 1799John b. 1800John b. 1837Joseph b. 1830Lettice b. 1827Mary b. between 1821 and 1826Sarah b. 1835Susannah b. 1840
- Plat
James b. about 1725Martha b. about 1726, d. after 1766
- Platford
Ivy Valerie P b. 1923, d. about 2003
- Platt
Ann b. 1848Betty b. 1779, d. 1854Betty b. 1808, d. about 1850Betty b. 1811, d. about 1879Clifford b. 1920Edward b. 1822Edwin b. 1822Elenor b. 1831Elizabeth b. 1811, d. about 1879Ellen b. 1841, d. 1906Helen b. 1841, d. 1906Henry b. between 1811 and 1816James b. about 1725James b. 1888James Steele b. about 1861John b. 1792John b. 1820Jonathan b. 1815Mabel Constance b. 1887Martha b. about 1726, d. after 1766Mary b. about 1792Mary Ann b. 1821Mary Ann b. 1822Mary Johnson b. 1822Samuel b. 1850
- Platt (cont.)
Sidney b. 1829Thomas b. between 1816 and 1821William b. about 1813William b. 1844
- Platte
Hannah b. about 1700, d. 1734
- Platts
Barbara Kathleen b. about 1928, d. 2014
- Pleasant
Alice b. 1883, d. about 1974Herbert b. 1882, d. about 1943
- Pleasants
Elsie b. about 1914Herbert b. 1882, d. about 1943Jennie b. about 1923John b. about 1921Rhoda b. 1911
- Pleasents
Alice b. 1883, d. about 1974Herbert b. 1882, d. about 1943
- Pluck
Emma b. 1862
- Plumstead
Harry b. about 1914Nora b. 1914Rodney Stuart b. 1947, d. 1951
- Poad
Lilian b. 1902
- Pocock
Glenn b. 1958, d. 2002Mabel Evelyn b. 1880Ronald Edward b. 1936, d. 1972
- Podmore
Edith b. 1886, d. about 1974Ethel b. 1912George Dudley b. 1882, d. before 1939George Dudley b. 1908Herbert Percival b. 1910
- Pogmore
Ann b. 1833Henry Lingley Gilbert b. 1846, d. before 1881Joe b. 1872Joe b. 1872Thomas b. about 1818
- Pogson
Ann b. 1809Betty b. about 1787David b. 1834Elizabeth b. 1847George b. 1815, d. 1858Joseph b. about 1787Ruth Ann b. about 1862, d. about 1890Sarah b. 1850, d. about 1929
- Polivka
(?) b. about 1906(?) b. about 1906Lucille Frances b. 1934, d. 2004
- Pollard
Charlotte b. 1816, d. 1876John b. 1792Mary Edith b. 1913Nancy b. about 1770
- Pollitt
Charles b. 1865Edmund b. 1819, d. before 1861Elizabeth b. 1825, d. 1890Elizabeth b. 1851Ellen b. 1846James b. about 1791John b. 1857Samuel b. 1863Sarah b. 1853William b. 1844
- Pomeroy
Maria b. 1809, d. 1877
- Pontefract
Ellin b. about 1788
- Poole
Agnes Annie b. 1881Albert Henry b. 1909, d. about 1981Arthur E b. 1879Big Jack b. 1851, d. about 1914Clara b. 1917Ellen b. 1862Ellen b. about 1898Ellen C b. 1876Emily J b. 1874Eric b. about 1916Ethel Olive b. 1896, d. about 1918Frank b. 1901Frederick b. 1892George J b. 1872Irene b. 1915, d. 1996Jack b. 1912John Biggs b. 1851, d. about 1914John Briggs b. 1851, d. about 1914Joseph b. 1899Little Jack b. 1912Maggie b. 1900, d. 1997Martha Ellen b. about 1877Mary Ann b. 1903, d. 1969Philip Alfred b. 1887Sarah A b. 1850, d. before 1886
- Poole (cont.)
Valerie b. 1927, d. about 2002
- Popaw
Cuming b. about 1824, d. before 1880
- Pope
Doris E b. 1876Violet b. 1927
- Popp
Phyllis Jean b. 1944, d. 2015
- Poppleton
Ellen b. 1847John b. 1845Mary b. about 1820Naomi b. 1845, d. before 1893
- Popplewell
Cyril b. 1905, d. about 1983
Eva b. 1905, d. 1995
Margaret b. 1833, d. 1908William b. about 1805 - Porit
Mary b. 1811, d. 1832
- Porrit
Obediah b. 1775, d. about 1851
- Porritt
Arthur J b. about 1895Dora b. about 1893, d. about 1958Esther b. 1822Jane b. 1814John b. 1807Mary b. 1781, d. about 1861Mary b. 1811, d. 1832Obadiah b. 1775, d. about 1851Samuel b. 1818Sarah b. 1812Sarah b. 1818