- Rainer
John b. 1804, d. 1859Mary b. 1804, d. 1876
- Ralph
(?) b. about 1858Ann b. 1825Charles b. 1829Charles b. 1841Charles b. 1858Eliza b. 1825Eliza b. 1856Elizabeth b. 1836Elizabeth b. 1860Emily b. 1863Frederic b. 1849George b. 1819Hannah b. 1821Henry b. 1840
Jessie Wood b. 1886, d. 1960
John b. 1798Mary Ann b. 1789Mary Ann b. 1817Mary Ann b. 1851Sarah Ann b. 1853Susanah b. 1817Thomas b. 1855Unknown b. about 1858William G b. 1847 - Ramah
Samuel b. 1802
- Ramsbottom
Ebenezer b. between 1776 and 1781Eleanor Fairless b. 1914, d. 1999Eliza b. 1809Eliza Ann b. 1873, d. about 1909Ethel b. about 1898Evelyn b. about 1878George b. 1805George b. about 1904Harry b. about 1906James b. about 1912, d. about 1912James Leach b. about 1874, d. 1951James Leach b. 1917, d. about 1999James Leech b. about 1874, d. 1951Mary b. between 1776 and 1781Mary b. about 1812, d. before 1843Mary Nuttall b. about 1909, d. about 1909Robert b. about 1896Thomas b. 1833
- Ramsden
Ann b. 1815Annie b. 1863Benjamin b. about 1815, d. before 1881Elizabeth b. 1840Elizabeth b. 1843, d. about 1924Frank b. 1882, d. 1952Fred b. 1863Leah b. about 1844Phoebe b. 1897William b. 1806
- Ramsey
Margaret Leona b. 1910, d. 1995
- Ranah
Hannah b. 1793, d. about 1863Samuel b. 1802
- Rand
Ann b. 1825, d. 1873William b. about 1797
- Randall
Abigail b. 1626, d. 1702Alfred b. 1844, d. 1912Alice Emily b. 1875, d. 1968Ann b. 1661Ann b. about 1816Ann b. 1830Anne b. 1661Annie E b. 1877Annie May b. 1882, d. 1962Catherine b. 1846, d. 1893Dorothy Mary b. about 1917Elizabeth b. about 1755Elizabeth b. 1785Elizabeth b. 1809Elizabeth b. 1892Elsie b. 1897Emily b. 1875, d. 1968Emily O b. 1880Emma b. 1845, d. about 1885Frederick J b. 1896George b. about 1755George b. 1831George b. 1848George E b. 1873Isabel b. about 1562
- Randall (cont.)
John b. about 1536John b. 1609, d. 1676John b. 1807John b. 1834John Dearnaley b. about 1916Julia Emily b. about 1849Mary b. 1812Mary b. about 1869, d. about 1912Mary Ann b. 1816Robert b. 1885Stephen b. 1816Susanna b. 1837Victoria b. 1840William b. about 1778William b. 1810, d. about 1889William b. 1830William b. 1845, d. 1930
- Rankin
Agnes b. about 1788John b. about 1787
- Rathbone
Sarah b. 1823
- Raw
Cyril b. 1907Emily Charlotte b. 1875John Arthur b. about 1910John Gerrard b. 1865Phyllis b. 1905
- Rawlinson
Elizabeth b. about 1700
- Rawson
Anne b. 1915, d. 1982Arnold b. about 1919Benjamin Cooper b. 1859Clarice Muriel b. 1919, d. about 2005Eliza Ann b. 1866Eliza Ellen b. 1860, d. 1933Elizabeth b. 1832Elizabeth Ann b. 1866Emily b. 1876Geoffrey b. 1927Hannah Elizabeth b. 1870Hannah Louisa b. 1892Harry b. 1914, d. 1982Ida Mary b. 1899, d. about 1986John b. about 1803Kay E b. 1946, d. 2009Louie b. 1892Mary Ann b. 1837Mary Emma b. 1862Peter D b. 1922Romulus b. 1856, d. 1915Romulus Dearnley b. 1856, d. 1915Ruth b. 1863Unknown b. 1832Wallace b. 1894
- Rawson (cont.)
William b. 1831
- Ray
Mary b. about 1761, d. 1799Mary b. about 1820, d. about 1854
- Rayner
Adah b. 1852Alice b. 1873Ann b. 1820, d. about 1890Ann b. 1831Ann Eliza b. about 1853Archie b. 1886Arthur b. 1845Ben b. 1848Charles b. 1869Charles Edward b. 1852Charles Henry b. about 1863Christopher Thomas b. 1881Drusilla b. 1856Edith b. 1869, d. 1947Elizabeth b. 1818Elizabeth b. 1839Ellen b. 1847Emm b. about 1725Emma b. about 1843Esther b. about 1854Florence b. 1868, d. about 1947Fred b. 1870Fred b. 1895Frederick b. 1842Frederick b. 1870
- Rayner (cont.)
George b. 1844Hannah b. 1793, d. about 1863Henry b. 1842Henry George b. 1857James b. 1855Jane b. 1833Jane b. 1857Joe b. 1860John b. 1804, d. 1859John b. 1818John b. 1832John b. 1835John Edward b. 1851Joseph b. about 1785Joseph b. 1855Lydia b. about 1869, d. about 1899Mabel Rosalie b. 1884Mary b. 1804, d. 1876Mary Ann b. 1825Mary Ann b. 1846Mary Ellen b. about 1848Mary Hannah b. 1860Maud Mary b. 1883, d. about 1978Nathaniel b. 1838, d. 1924Roy b. 1912
- Rayner (cont.)
Sam b. 1872Samuel b. 1802Samuel b. 1822, d. about 1882Samuel b. 1864Samuel b. 1867Sarah b. between 1781 and 1786Sarah b. 1815, d. about 1880Sarah b. 1854Sarah Jane b. 1865, d. 1939Squire Victor b. 1897Susanna b. 1754Susannah b. 1754Susannah b. 1859Thomas b. about 1842Walter b. about 1843William b. about 1725William b. 1840William b. 1850William W b. 1817Willie b. 1884
- Raze
Haney b. about 1795, d. about 1840
- Read
Eleanor Louise b. 1867, d. about 1954Ellen b. 1867, d. about 1954
- Reade
Catherine b. 1854, d. 1929
- Ready
Ann b. about 1868Harriet b. about 1848, d. about 1883Mary A b. 1865, d. about 1893Michael b. 1837, d. about 1883
- Reddich
(?) b. 1653Andrew b. 1587, d. 1608Anne b. 1650Anthonie b. 1625Anthony b. about 1560, d. 1617Anthony b. 1605, d. 1623Anthony b. 1625Dorothy b. about 1560, d. 1624Dorothy b. 1591Elizabeth b. 1584, d. 1642Elizabeth b. 1611Mary b. 1614Mary b. 1653Raph b. 1581Raph b. 1610Samuel b. about 1667Unknown b. 1653
- Reddiche
Alacie b. 1614Anna b. about 1625, d. 1682Anthonie b. about 1560, d. 1617Anthonye b. 1625John b. 1607Raphe b. 1581Robert b. 1606Unknown b. about 1607
- Reddie
Mary A b. 1865, d. about 1893
- Reddish
Anna b. about 1625, d. 1682Anthony b. 1625Elizabeth b. 1656John b. 1665, d. 1686Martha b. 1654Mary b. about 1667Samuel b. about 1667Sarah b. 1658
- Redditch
Andrew b. 1587, d. 1608Anthony b. about 1560, d. 1617Dorothy b. about 1560, d. 1624Dorothy b. 1591Elizabeth b. 1584, d. 1642Marie b. 1614Raphe b. 1581Robert b. 1606Unknown b. about 1582
- Redfearn
Abraham b. about 1818Rhoda b. 1846, d. about 1917Roda b. 1846, d. about 1917
- Redfern
Alfred b. about 1855Ann b. 1857Betty b. 1819, d. about 1891Doris b. 1904, d. 1999Emma b. about 1846Francis b. 1845, d. about 1880Ner b. 1824, d. about 1901Priscilla b. 1851Selena b. 1859William b. about 1818, d. before 1880
- Redlich
Anthony b. 1605, d. 1623
- Redman
Ann b. 1826Cathleen b. about 1932Claude b. about 1936Eric Claude b. about 1899Francis b. about 1920Gwendoline b. about 1928Ivy b. about 1922Joseph b. 1798Kenneth b. about 1926Leslie b. about 1924Margaret b. 1826Mary b. 1826Susannah b. 1792Una b. 1899, d. 1970Una b. about 1930
- Redshaw
Alice b. 1833Samuel b. 1834
- Redwood
Annie Mildred b. 1909, d. 1985John William b. 1911, d. about 1994
- Reed
Annie b. 1862Annie b. 1882Derek b. about 1930, d. 2008Ellen b. 1886Frances b. about 1771James b. 1855Joseph F b. 1888Mary b. 1839Nellie b. 1886Peter b. about 1808Sarah b. about 1808Sarah b. 1823, d. about 1910William b. about 1822, d. about 1856William b. about 1836, d. 1877William b. 1880William Moody b. about 1858
- Reedie
Ellen b. 1875Harriet b. about 1848, d. about 1883Mary Ann b. 1865, d. about 1893Michael b. 1837, d. about 1883Patrick b. about 1809
- Reekie
Florence Rose b. 1923, d. 2015Isabella b. 1858Isabella B b. 1883Margaret b. 1840, d. 1901Michael b. 1880Unknown b. about 1859, d. before 1890
- Reeley
Doris b. 1913, d. 2000
- Reeve
Kathleen b. 1936Lionel K b. about 1936Lucie Muriel b. 1921, d. 2018Unknown b. about 1893Unknown b. about 1893
- Reichold
Anna B b. 1882John J b. 1878
- Reid
Amy b. 1888, d. 1963Bertha Hamilton b. 1877, d. 1958Edith b. 1878, d. 1915Eliza b. 1863, d. 1947Elizabeth b. 1920, d. 1994George Alexander b. about 1919Hugh S b. about 1920Inez b. 1935, d. 1991Inez Margaret b. 1935, d. 1991Joan b. 1923Mary b. about 1850Robert b. about 1850Vivian b. about 1919William b. about 1863, d. before 1916
- Reidie
Michael b. 1837, d. about 1883
- Reiner
George b. 1844Henry b. 1842Jane b. 1833Mary b. 1804, d. 1876Nathaniel b. 1838, d. 1924William b. 1840
- Reinstadtler
Dorothy M b. 1931, d. 2013George L b. 1930, d. 1979Kurt b. 1956, d. 1975
- Renforth
George III b. 1935, d. 2007George Jr b. 1910Maggie b. 1957, d. 2010Margaret Jane b. 1914Margaret June b. 1957, d. 2010Martha Lee b. 1930, d. 2005
- Renshaw
Albert b. 1867Diana b. 1842, d. about 1927Eli Dearnley b. 1871, d. about 1940George b. 1834
- Retchford
(?) b. about 1580Frances b. 1629Margaret b. about 1605, d. after 1632Margaret b. 1631Nicholas b. about 1608, d. after 1609Robert b. about 1605, d. after 1632Unknown b. about 1580
- Revill
Harold Davidson b. 1923, d. 2005Phyllis b. about 1900William b. about 1899
- Reynalds
Ann b. about 1761
- Reyner
Ann b. 1820, d. about 1890James b. 1855Richard b. about 1793Samuel b. 1822, d. about 1882
- Reynolds
(?) b. about 1840Frances b. about 1792George b. 1720James b. 1718Joseph b. about 1682Joseph b. 1714Lawrence Miller b. 1927, d. about 2003Lettice b. 1684Lewis F b. 1874Mary Ann b. 1840Percival G b. 1869Viviene Zena b. 1935, d. about 1971Winifred b. 1897