- Porter
Caroline b. about 1887Dinah b. about 1650Emma b. 1878, d. 1958Grace Nellie b. 1914Harry A b. about 1878Martha Carswell b. 1820, d. 1899Sarah Ann b. 1854, d. 1926William b. about 1887William John b. about 1916
- Porteus
Edith b. 1908Josephine b. 1886Unknown b. about 1884
- Poskitt
Ann b. 1811
- Pott
Alice b. 1837, d. about 1893Jemima b. about 1798John b. about 1797
- Potter
Ann b. 1806Anna b. 1811Anne b. 1838Annice b. 1920Catherine b. 1809Dorothy b. about 1921Eliza b. 1825Elizabeth b. about 1565Elizabeth b. 1779Ellen R b. 1916Emma b. 1828, d. about 1897Francis b. 1808George b. 1817Hannah b. 1816James b. 1782John b. 1786John b. 1815Maria b. 1814Mary b. about 1752Mary b. about 1788, d. before 1841Mary Ann b. 1823Rachail b. about 1710Rachel b. about 1710Rachell b. about 1710Robert b. about 1564
- Potter (cont.)
Rosemary b. 1916Rosemary (Countess of Darnley) b. 1916Sarah b. 1820Thomas b. 1776Thomas A b. 1915, d. 1990Tom Allison b. 1915, d. 1990William b. about 1752
- Potts
Alice b. 1837, d. about 1893Alice b. 1916Arthur b. 1908Harold b. about 1912Isaac b. about 1830John N b. about 1905Maria b. about 1831Martha b. 1847, d. 1919Mary Jane b. 1884Peter b. about 1818Tom b. 1883Winifred Ellen b. 1905, d. about 1973
- Poulton
Alice Maud b. 1866
- Pound
Ambrose b. 1825Ambrose b. 1887Eliza b. 1880Elizabeth b. 1826Hester b. 1859, d. about 1890Thomas b. about 1856Thomas b. 1881William b. 1884
- Pountney
Ethel b. about 1898Rupert K b. about 1897
- Powell
Alice b. 1881, d. 1957Annie b. 1908Joan b. 1935Mary b. about 1878Unknown b. about 1853Unknown b. about 1853
- Power
Joyce M b. 1924, d. 1995
- Pownall
Betty b. about 1767, d. 1835Elizabeth b. about 1767, d. 1835
- Pownd
Thomas b. 1878, d. about 1881
- Praers
Richard de b. about 1182, d. after 1211
- Pratt
Ann b. about 1782Ann b. about 1844Annie b. about 1844Bertie b. about 1891Caroline b. about 1844, d. before 1885Charles b. about 1859Elsie b. 1915Harriet Jane b. 1887, d. about 1950Kate b. about 1844, d. before 1885Martha b. 1834Mary b. about 1736, d. after 1766Reginald b. about 1914Sarah b. about 1859Sarah Ann b. 1892Sarah Elizabeth b. 1882, d. 1966
- Presland
Albert Isaac b. 1879Allen Frederick b. 1903Dennis John b. 1909Edgar Francis b. 1906Ellen b. 1874Ernest Victor b. 1901Fenela Gertrude b. about 1907Florence b. 1885Frederick b. 1870Frederick Pressland b. 1870George b. 1879Henry Josiah b. 1908Hilda Jane b. 1904James b. 1847James William b. 1889Josiah b. 1882Louisa b. 1850Mary A b. 1872Miranda b. about 1910Samuel William b. 1874Sarah Jane b. 1877William Samuel b. 1874
- Pressland
James b. 1847Louisa b. 1850
- Prestland
Allen Frederick b. 1903Dennis John b. 1909Edgar b. 1906Ellen b. 1874Ernest b. 1901Fenella Gertrude b. about 1907Frederick b. 1870Hilda b. 1904
- Preston
Ann b. between 1796 and 1801Ann b. 1845, d. about 1908Annie b. 1852Charlotte b. 1815David b. 1815James b. 1849Joseph b. about 1834Katherine b. 1861Martha Catherine b. 1861
- Prevost
Anna Mae b. 1935, d. 2022
- Price
(?) b. about 1943, d. before 2010Ann Myfanwy b. 1923, d. 1988Charles b. 1815
Donald Edward b. about 1921, d. 2010
Dorothy Chandler b. 1943, d. 2010Edward Darnaly b. 1839Edward Dearnley b. 1839Elizabeth b. 1817Kathleen b. 1911Margaret b. about 1811Marjorie Gertrude b. 1887, d. about 1964Neville R b. about 1910Sarah b. 1841 - Prideaux
Philippa b. 1868, d. 1918
- Priestland
Edward Andreas b. 1881, d. 1926Kathleen Duncan b. 1902, d. 1996
- Priestley
George W b. about 1918Susan b. 1952, d. 2015Vera b. 1918, d. about 2002
- Priestly
Vera b. 1918, d. about 2002
- Prime
Hannah b. 1810Mary b. about 1768Sarah b. 1692William b. 1688, d. 1748
- Prince
Agnes b. about 1542Alice b. about 1544, d. 1621Elizabeth b. about 1515, d. 1588Elizabeth b. 1555Elizabeth b. about 1812Ellen B b. about 1943, d. 2014Esther b. 1685, d. 1762Gooda b. 1548Gouudie b. 1548James b. about 1515, d. 1583James b. about 1812Johanna b. 1546, d. about 1602Johanne b. 1546, d. about 1602John b. about 1657Jone b. 1546, d. about 1602Lizzie b. about 1873Margere b. 1539
- Prior
Alice Florence b. about 1884Amelia b. 1863Anne Isabel b. about 1875Betsy b. about 1827, d. about 1912Charles Philip b. about 1873Dorothy b. about 1549Edith Mary b. about 1880Elizabeth b. about 1827, d. about 1912Emily Alice b. 1852, d. about 1890Emily Alice b. about 1878Harriet b. 1863Jane Finch b. 1858John b. about 1548Minnie b. about 1886Philip b. 1849, d. about 1925Philip b. about 1889William b. about 1876
- Pritchard
Catherine Jane b. 1887
- Proby
Ellen b. about 1856, d. about 1916Joseph b. about 1825Joseph b. 1853
- Procter
(?) b. about 1849Ellen Jane b. 1874, d. about 1933Hannah b. about 1846M Hannah b. about 1869Mary Hannah b. about 1869Unknown b. about 1849
- Proctor
Gwendolen Mary b. about 1905Harrison b. 1886John b. 1878Sarah Ann b. 1856
- Proud
Angus b. about 1877Catherine Ferguson b. 1907Evelyn Dora b. 1939, d. 2021Isabella b. 1909Sarah b. 1877Sarah Hayton b. 1905
- Prutzman
Harrison b. about 1839M Emma b. 1880Mary E b. 1880Mary J b. 1841
- Pryor
Elizabeth b. about 1827, d. about 1912
- Przepiora
Beatrice M b. 1919Tadeusz b. about 1918
- Pugh
A Winifred b. 1899Alma b. 1870, d. about 1893Dudley C b. about 1912Esther b. 1876Florence b. 1893Fred b. 1902G B Stella b. 1897Margaret Hannah b. 1876Mary A b. 1841Stella b. 1897William b. 1835William Albert b. 1868William Albert T b. about 1896Winnie b. 1899
- Pugmire
Charles William b. 1904Edna May b. 1906
Frances Annie b. 1872, d. about 1960
George William b. 1877, d. before 1939
Willie b. 1877, d. before 1939
- Pulley
Alfred b. 1904Alfred Edwin b. about 1841, d. about 1919Ann b. 1874
Caroline Louisa b. 1838, d. 1878
Cecilia b. 1873, d. 1940Edward b. about 1841, d. about 1919Edwin John b. 1872Emma b. about 1850Frank b. 1898Fred b. 1910George b. about 1846George b. 1865George E b. 1894Gertrude b. 1896Harold b. 1901Horrace b. 1908Leonard b. 1902Maria b. 1815Maria Rosina b. 1877, d. 1959
Mary b. 1873Rosa b. 1877, d. 1959
Rose b. 1877, d. 1959
Thomas b. 1811Walter b. 1903Wilfred b. 1906 - Pulley (cont.)
William b. 1867
- Pully
Alfred b. about 1841, d. about 1919Emma b. about 1850George b. about 1846
- Puls
Ottilie Minnie b. 1899, d. 1945
- Purkiss
Edgar William b. 1876, d. 1931Elsie Amanda b. 1881, d. 1957
- Purslow
Elizabeth b. about 1802, d. before 1851
- Putnam
Mary b. about 1850
- Pye
Edward Charles b. about 1843Emma Victoria b. 1911Mary Ann b. about 1843Mary Anne Matilda b. 1871Matilda b. 1871Thomas b. 1905William b. about 1877
- Pyecroft
Charlotte b. 1802James b. between 1823 and 1826John b. about 1801Mary Ann b. 1837Thomas b. 1832
- Pyott
Arthur b. about 1888Eliza Ann b. 1889
- Quarmby
Emily Frances b. about 1895Fanny b. 1880, d. 1950Harry b. 1894Joseph b. about 1852, d. before 1915Tom b. 1866
- Quest
Daniel b. 1865Dorothy b. 1901, d. before 1943Eliza b. 1901, d. before 1943Eliza b. 1901, d. before 1943Eliza Ann b. 1868Eliza Ann b. 1901, d. before 1943Thomas b. 1892
- Quick
(?) b. about 1760, d. about 1820Betty b. 1784, d. 1873Elizabeth b. 1784, d. 1873Unknown b. about 1760, d. about 1820
- Quicke
Susan b. about 1624
- Quin
Ann b. about 1835William b. about 1807
- Quinn
Andrew b. 1869, d. after 1906Andrew b. 1906Catherine Dewer Harrower McNeil b. 1871, d. after 1906Elizabeth Anna b. 1886Katharine Darnley b. 1877, d. 1926Lorretta May Lucille b. about 1881Marion b. 1909Rose A b. about 1858Unknown b. about 1877, d. before 1911Unknown b. about 1906, d. 1929William R b. about 1858
- Quinton
Annie b. 1890, d. 1976
- Rabone
Elizabeth Louise b. about 1848, d. 1938Stephen T b. about 1848
- Rackley
David b. 1964, d. 1964Unknown b. 1932, d. 2012
- Radcliffe
Alfred Raeburn b. 1862Charlotte Helena b. 1864, d. about 1902Elizabeth b. 1826Ernest William b. 1856George b. about 1798George b. 1825Henry b. 1858Johannes b. 1827, d. about 1868Sarah b. 1822Thomas b. 1827, d. about 1868Thomas George b. 1854Unknown b. about 1798Unknown b. about 1826, d. before 1878
- Radley
Elizabeth Ann b. 1870Ethel b. 1895Frank b. 1867Frank b. 1898Harriet b. 1885Lilian b. 1894
- Raeburn
Amelia b. 1839Elizabeth b. 1826Unknown b. about 1799William b. about 1799
- Railton
Sarah b. about 1874
- Raimbeault
Philipe A b. 1898, d. 1969
- Rain
Jonathan b. 1839, d. 1842
- Raine
Ada Cecilia b. 1874, d. about 1963
Albert Darnley b. 1874, d. 1969
Albert Percival b. 1899, d. 1974
Annie Winifred b. 1895, d. 1938Doris b. about 1898Eleanor b. about 1887Elizabeth b. 1837, d. 1919
Elizabeth b. 1899Elizabeth Ann b. about 1863Elizabeth Jane b. 1860Ethel b. 1872, d. 1919
Hilda b. 1896Isabella b. about 1889, d. about 1898James Herbert b. about 1905John b. 1837, d. 1895Jonathan b. 1839, d. 1842Mabel b. 1906, d. 1996
Margaret b. about 1893Mary b. 1810, d. 1866Mary Ann b. about 1852May b. 1906, d. 1996
Mollie b. 1913, d. 2000
Percy b. 1899, d. 1974
Robert Darnley b. 1939Violet May b. 1904, d. 1998 - Raine (cont.)
Wilfrid Paxton b. 1902, d. 1980William b. 1811, d. about 1867William Cumberland b. about 1861, d. 1940William Cumberland b. 1891