- Sevilla
Juliana Castillion b. about 1927Petronio b. about 1927
- Seville
Ann b. about 1771, d. 1805John b. about 1771Sarah Ellen b. 1857
- Sewasworth
Mary b. about 1683
- Sewell
Alfred b. 1901Beatrice b. 1884Elizabeth b. about 1861Ellen b. about 1856George A b. 1882George Reuben b. 1854, d. before 1911
- Sexton
Albert Edward b. 1902, d. 2000Catherine b. 1821Emily b. 1906, d. 1984John Bradshaw b. 1814, d. about 1874Keith b. about 1937, d. about 1937
- Seyliard
William b. about 1526, d. about 1569
- Seylyard
Elizabeth b. about 1551Jhon b. about 1551Joan b. about 1526, d. about 1604John b. about 1551William b. about 1526, d. about 1569
- Shackerley
Frances b. about 1772William b. about 1779, d. 1804
- Shackleton
Christiana b. 1898, d. 1986
- Shackley
William b. about 1779, d. 1804
- Shaerock
Elizabeth b. about 1775
- Shaffer
Gertrude F b. about 1882
- Shakerley
Frances b. about 1772William b. about 1779, d. 1804
- Shallcross
Phoebe b. 1799, d. 1903William b. about 1768
- Shapley
Elizabeth b. about 1628Robert b. about 1600Robert b. about 1627
- Sharman
Dorothy b. 1897Frances b. 1816
- Sharp
Bella b. between 1771 and 1776Bellah b. between 1771 and 1776Hannah b. 1769, d. 1834John b. about 1809Mary b. 1820Rob. b. about 1714Robert b. about 1714Sarah b. about 1714Sarah b. between 1786 and 1791Sarah b. 1808Tamar b. 1847, d. about 1914Tamer b. 1847, d. about 1914William b. 1812
- Sharpe
Eliza Emily b. 1881, d. 1932Emily b. 1881, d. 1932John b. about 1741John b. about 1852, d. before 1900Nanny b. about 1741
- Sharpen
Charles Fredrick b. 1872, d. about 1951Emma b. 1871, d. about 1954Ernest b. about 1899Hilda b. about 1902, d. about 1904Leicester b. 1906Walter b. about 1904
- Sharples
Edward b. 1880Florence b. 1877, d. about 1959Richmul b. about 1898
- Sharrock
Alice b. 1910, d. 1990Elizabeth b. about 1775Frances b. about 1856
- Sharrocks
Hannah b. 1831Jane b. 1825John b. 1802Mary b. 1802Nancy b. 1839William b. 1827
- Shaw
(?) b. about 1848Abraham b. 1828, d. about 1901Alfred b. 1839, d. about 1906Ann b. about 1710Ann b. 1806Ann b. 1815, d. 1891Ann b. 1844, d. about 1902Ann b. 1848, d. 1910Ann b. 1848, d. 1930Anna b. 1682Anne b. 1848, d. 1910Betty b. about 1739Betty b. 1805, d. about 1865Clifford b. about 1924, d. 1978
Clifford Smith b. about 1899, d. 1958
Clifforde Smith b. about 1899, d. 1958
Dorothy b. 1917, d. about 1987Edgar b. 1903Eliza b. between 1780 and 1782, d. 1845Eliza b. 1826, d. 1899Eliza b. 1874, d. about 1926Elizabeth b. about 1739Elizabeth b. 1805, d. about 1865Emily b. 1864, d. 1937Emma b. 1861 - Shaw (cont.)
Evelyn Betty b. 1917, d. about 1988Fanny b. 1832, d. 1894Frank E b. about 1859Fred b. 1864Fred William b. about 1870Friend Clifford b. about 1924, d. 1978Friend James b. 1873, d. about 1923George b. about 1815, d. before 1848George b. 1843George b. about 1878
Gordon Edward b. 1932, d. 1989
Hannah b. about 1790, d. about 1821Hannah b. 1837Hannah b. 1878, d. about 1952Harriet Eliza b. 1855Harry b. 1859Henry b. about 1828Herbert b. 1855Ida Emily b. 1909Isabella b. 1885Isabella Elizabeth Sutton b. about 1868Jack b. 1901, d. before 1911Jack b. about 1929, d. about 1929Jacob b. about 1673, d. before 1747James b. about 1800 - Shaw (cont.)
James b. about 1804James b. about 1820James b. 1853James b. about 1863, d. before 1914James Edward b. about 1845
Jeannie Annie b. 1901, d. about 1995
Jocoba b. about 1673, d. before 1747John b. about 1777John b. 1834John b. 1898John Dearnally b. 1823Joseph b. about 1720Lena b. 1904Lily b. 1925, d. about 2004Margaret Alice b. 1865, d. 1911Martha b. about 1760, d. 1799Martha b. about 1796Martha b. 1847Mary b. about 1706Mary b. 1835Mary b. 1891Mary Ann b. 1842Mary Ann b. about 1879Mary Eliza b. 1898, d. about 1978Mary Elizabeth b. 1867 - Shaw (cont.)
Mary Elizabeth b. about 1874Mary Ellen b. about 1862Mary L b. about 1859May b. 1835Myra Viola b. 1887, d. 1919Nathan b. about 1829Richard b. 1848Rita b. 1928Roma b. 1927, d. about 1992Sara b. about 1708Sarah b. about 1845Sarah Hoyle b. 1851, d. about 1905Susana b. about 1712Sybil Hamlyn S b. 1909, d. 1989Thomas b. about 1831Unknown b. about 1806Wilfred b. about 1925William b. 1856William b. 1859William b. 1888William Henry b. 1874Wilson b. 1856
- Shawcross
Alice A b. 1872Anne b. 1865Betty b. about 1768
Florence b. 1885, d. 1966
James b. 1870Phoebe b. 1799, d. 1903William b. about 1768William b. 1844William b. 1874Zipporah Ann b. 1848, d. about 1909 - Shean
Joseph b. 1877, d. about 1952
- Shear
Joseph b. 1877, d. about 1952
- Sheard
Alfred b. 1842Arthur b. 1882Benjamin b. 1806Eliza b. 1821Emily b. about 1881Florence b. 1884George Henry b. about 1853Grace Senior b. 1875Hannah b. 1870Henry b. about 1720Isabella b. about 1853James b. about 1794Jane b. 1807, d. 1876John b. about 1802John b. 1842John b. 1848Joseph b. 1872Joshua b. about 1820Sarah b. 1748, d. 1793Sarah b. 1830, d. 1872Sarah Ann b. 1839Thomas Edward D b. 1880William Henry b. 1881
- Shearer
Minnie b. about 1840
- Sheehan
Catherine b. 1909, d. about 1998
Emily b. 1917, d. about 1996
Florence b. 1885, d. 1966
Florence b. 1914James b. 1923, d. 1944John b. 1912, d. about 1993Joseph b. 1877, d. about 1952Joseph b. 1908, d. about 1985Joseph b. 1937Lilian b. about 1913Mary I b. 1931 - Sheen
Hester Dorothy b. 1929James Frances b. about 1928James Francis b. about 1928
- Sheer
Joseph b. 1877, d. about 1952
- Sheffield
Alice b. 1674Ann b. 1666Catherine b. about 1681, d. 1743Elizabeth b. 1641, d. about 1715Elizabeth b. 1670, d. about 1743Elsie b. 1935John b. 1678John b. about 1684Margaret b. 1680Mary b. 1672Michael b. 1640
- Shelden
Elizabeth b. about 1837, d. 1890
- Sheldon
Ada Calvert b. 1917, d. about 1969Ann b. about 1834Elizabeth b. about 1837, d. 1890George b. about 1917Hannah b. about 1809Jane b. about 1614Janæ b. about 1614John b. about 1834John b. about 1862Mary Ellen b. 1860Ruth Emma b. 1861, d. 1904Sarah Eliza F b. 1884William b. about 1809
- Shelmerdine
(?) b. about 1866Hannah b. 1867Unknown b. about 1866
- Shelton
Emma b. 1902, d. about 1993John b. 1902
- Shenton
Ann b. 1881Annie b. 1913Elizabeth b. 1832Harold Flood b. 1892Harriet b. 1855James Edward b. 1878Jane b. 1806Kathleen b. 1921Maria b. 1799, d. before 1864Richard b. 1808Richard Robert b. about 1856, d. 1911Robert b. 1805Samuel b. about 1777Samuel Warren b. 1889Selina b. 1819, d. about 1891Thomas William b. 1880Walter Darneley b. 1883, d. 1956Walter Dearnley b. 1883, d. 1956
- Shephard
Sarah b. about 1795Thomas b. about 1767Thomas b. about 1795
- Shepherd
Ada Alice b. 1879Ellen G b. 1906Florence B b. about 1913John b. about 1911Joseph b. 1862Olivia M b. 1887, d. about 1950Sarah Jane b. 1867Susan b. 1850, d. about 1885Thomas b. about 1839Unknown b. about 1822Unknown b. about 1822William b. about 1851Willie Gatward b. about 1900, d. about 1902
- Shepley
Ann b. 1806, d. between 1881 and 1882James b. about 1795Jane b. 1796Jane b. 1835Mary b. 1889, d. 1980
- Sheppard
Francis b. about 1890Mary Ann b. about 1847Olivia Mary b. 1887, d. about 1950Sarah b. about 1795Thomas b. about 1795
- Shepperd
Susan Jane b. 1850, d. about 1885Unknown b. about 1822
- Sherman
Marjorie Bernice b. 1921, d. 2014Marshall b. about 1922Mary L b. about 1922, d. 1998
- Sherrif
Jane b. 1824Jane b. 1850John b. 1826
- Sherriff
Anne b. 1851Jane b. 1824Jane b. 1850John b. about 1798John b. 1826Thomas Dearnley b. 1854, d. 1874
- Sherrocks
John b. 1802Mary b. 1802
- Sherwood
Helen Marjory b. 1919Victor b. 1918
- Shield
Mally b. about 1773Mary b. about 1773
- Shields
Ada Haigh b. 1862, d. 1938George b. about 1828George Darnley b. 1894, d. after 1911Gladys May b. 1892, d. after 1911Helen b. 1890, d. after 1911William b. 1856, d. 1897
- Shill
Elizabeth b. about 1839Elizabeth W b. 1867, d. 1928John b. about 1839
- Shillito
Ellen Park b. 1834Jane b. 1757Joseph b. about 1801, d. before 1858Robert b. about 1757William b. 1829
- Shipleigh
Elizabeth b. about 1628Mary Ann b. about 1650Robert b. about 1627
- Shipley
Kathleen Martha b. 1909, d. 2004
- Shipstone
Sandra Dawn b. about 1961, d. 2007
- Shirclif
Nicholas b. about 1520
- Shirecliffe
Barbara b. about 1530Emmota b. about 1520, d. 1592Margaret b. about 1516Nicholas b. about 1516Nicholas b. about 1520Nicholas b. about 1536, d. 1621Nicholas b. about 1544
- Shires
(?) b. about 1822Elizabeth b. 1822, d. between 1882 and 1891Unknown b. about 1822
- Shirt
Joanna b. about 1730
- Shoesmith
Harriet b. 1871, d. 1948
- Shore
Alice b. about 1885Elizabeth E b. about 1913, d. about 1914Emma b. 1910Harry b. about 1853James A b. 1883James William b. 1888, d. about 1919Mary b. about 1793Mary J b. 1877Nellie b. about 1915, d. about 1916Sam b. 1874Samuel b. about 1792Sarah Ellen b. 1853
- Shorey
Edward Jubilee b. 1897Ernest William b. 1864Fanny b. 1864Florence Ethel b. about 1903Violet Annie b. 1899William b. 1864William Henry b. 1890
- Shorrock
Adelaide b. 1886, d. 1943Thomas b. about 1858, d. before 1909
- Shorrocks
Hannah b. 1831John b. 1802Mary b. 1802Nancy b. 1839Samuel b. 1842William b. 1827
- Short
Elsie May b. about 1906Georgina b. 1874Mary b. 1817Norman G b. about 1905Peter G D b. about 1928, d. 2013Unknown b. about 1817