- Showell
Alice J b. 1913Vernon b. 1908
- Shrigley
Gertrude Ellen Brown b. 1869Henry b. about 1835, d. before 1891Janet b. 1835
- Shronk
Elizabeth Amanda b. 1817, d. 1897Emilie b. 1850, d. 1937Emily b. 1850, d. 1937Emma b. 1850, d. 1937William b. 1813, d. 1888
- Shufflebottom
Caroline b. 1838, d. before 1851Henry b. 1798, d. between 1851 and 1861Henry b. 1842James b. 1827John b. 1831Martha b. 1798Mary b. 1840
- Shumate
Cora b. about 1905
- Shutte Johnson
Annie b. 1866Terence Lancelot b. 1908, d. about 1973
- Shutte
Alice L b. 1884Annie b. 1866Aylmer St. Auban Douglas b. 1870, d. 1871Aylmer St. Aubyn Douglas b. 1870, d. 1871Emily Eva b. between 1819 and 1823, d. about 1864Francis Eastwood Neale b. 1870Lancelot b. about 1872, d. 1908Lancelot T b. 1900Mabel Rosalie b. 1884Malcolm Winfred b. 1873Margaret b. 1868Mary Margaret Minnie b. 1898Michael Lancelot b. about 1872, d. 1908Michael Lancelot Neale b. about 1872, d. 1908Peter Neale b. 1911Rachel b. 1838Reginald Neale b. 1829, d. about 1892Reginald R b. 1899Reginald Thornton b. 1858, d. 1928Richard Vernon Neale b. 1905Rose Emily b. 1857, d. 1903Ruth b. 1875Terence Lancelot b. 1908, d. about 1973Theodore b. 1869Unknown b. about 1882
- Shutte (cont.)
Vernon Dowdeswell b. 1876Vincent b. 1907
- Shuttleworth
Anna b. about 1872
- Siberry
Alice Maude b. 1869Dorothy May b. 1903, d. 1997Robert Brookes b. 1907Thomas b. 1869
- Sickes
Elena b. 1625Elien b. 1625William b. about 1599, d. about 1648Williellmus b. 1621
- Siddal
Thomas b. about 1685
- Siddall
Elizabeth b. 1707Michel b. 1811Mitchel b. 1811Stephen b. 1703
- Siddle
Constance b. about 1900Henry b. about 1900Norah b. 1923, d. about 2002Stephen Paul b. 1952, d. 2016
- Sidebotham
(?) b. about 1831, d. before 1873Abraham b. about 1778Albert b. 1878Alice b. 1694, d. 1772Anne b. about 1682Clara b. 1885Eliza b. 1852Elizabeth b. about 1667, d. before 1718Elizabeth b. 1710Elizabeth b. 1859Fred b. 1887George b. 1862Harry b. 1883Henry b. 1850Jane b. about 1778John b. 1701Joseph b. about 1671, d. 1748Mary b. 1707Mary b. 1833Samuel b. about 1705Sarah b. about 1680Sarah b. about 1715Silas b. about 1713Unknown b. about 1831, d. before 1873
- Sidebottom
Ann b. 1833Elizabeth b. about 1667, d. before 1718Ellen b. about 1777Hannah b. 1833Jane Ann b. 1867, d. about 1943Joseph b. about 1671, d. 1748Julia b. 1867, d. about 1923Mary b. about 1764Samuel b. 1805Samuel b. 1869, d. about 1958Samuel b. 1906William b. about 1777
- Sike
William b. about 1599, d. about 1648
- Sikes
(?) b. about 1574Alice b. about 1602, d. 1644John b. about 1580Sally b. 1763, d. 1844Unknown b. about 1574William b. about 1599, d. about 1648William b. 1621
- Silburn
Hannah Louisa b. 1859, d. 1904
- Silcock
Elsie b. 1904, d. 1961Isabella M b. 1904, d. 1961James b. about 1845, d. before 1900James b. 1873Mary Emma b. 1879
- Silver
George Mason b. 1906Jane b. about 1872Thomas Mason b. 1873
- Silvester
Phyllis Irene b. 1906, d. about 1967
- Simcock
Amy Radcliffe b. about 1840Joseph b. 1809Mary b. 1810Mary Ann b. 1849Thomas Dearnley b. 1832, d. about 1907
- Simcocke
Ellen b. about 1586Ellenam b. about 1586
- Simester
Senorah b. 1831, d. 1831
- Simister
Fanny b. 1783, d. 1857Frances b. 1783, d. 1857John b. 1828Lenora b. 1831, d. 1831Lucy b. 1801, d. about 1871Mary b. 1827, d. after 1871Samuel b. 1833Senora b. 1831, d. 1831Thomas b. about 1801, d. before 1851William b. 1840, d. before 1881
- Simmister
Samuel b. 1833
- Simms
Ethel b. 1885, d. about 1948Lena b. 1902, d. about 1976
- Simpson
Abel Dearnaley b. about 1852, d. about 1953
Ann b. 1831
Dorothy b. 1819Elizabeth b. about 1723Elizabeth b. 1797, d. 1825Elizabeth b. 1823, d. 1893George b. about 1830Hannah b. about 1831Henry George b. about 1908Isabella b. between 1837 and 1840Jane b. 1821Jeanne M b. 1921Joan b. 1934John b. 1835John b. 1836John b. 1888Joseph b. 1841Kathleen b. 1899Kathleen F b. 1908Lauretta May b. 1909, d. 2004Leigh b. about 1921Leslie Philip D b. 1903, d. about 1989Margaret b. 1850Margaret b. 1867Margaret Jeanie b. about 1907, d. 1970 - Simpson (cont.)
Marguerite b. 1850Marguerite Ann b. 1921, d. about 1991Martha b. about 1781Mary b. 1801Mary Cook b. 1833Robert b. 1791Robert b. 1828Ruby Ethel b. 1908, d. 1976Samuel b. about 1802Sarah Frances b. about 1844Sarah Jane b. 1859Unknown b. about 1824William b. 1830
- Sims
(?) b. about 1839Bertha Eliza b. 1888, d. 1967Esther Minnie b. 1884, d. 1957Frank b. about 1914Geoffrey Burn b. 1932, d. about 2004Jabesh b. 1841, d. 1897Jabez b. 1841, d. 1897John b. 1873Kathleen Ann b. 1937, d. about 2002Leonard b. 1900, d. about 1964Lucy Ann b. 1874, d. about 1937Marjorie Gertrude b. 1909, d. about 1970Martha b. 1846, d. 1909Sarah b. 1839Sarah Ann b. 1897Shane Alexander b. 1977, d. 1996Unknown b. about 1839Violet b. 1871, d. about 1948Violet b. 1902William b. about 1813, d. before 1874
- Sinbrook
Fanny S b. about 1879, d. 1947
- Sinclair
Alexander b. 1846Alice b. 1907, d. 1956Catherine b. 1865, d. 1944Hannah Peacock b. 1850, d. about 1891Isabella Muir b. 1861James Muir b. 1854John b. 1863Mary Helen b. 1821Mary Helen b. 1844Thomas Murray b. 1848Welhilmina b. 1852Wheilmina b. 1852Wilhelmina b. 1852William b. 1815William b. 1858
- Siney
Daisy Mary Ann b. 1899, d. 1973Margaret Winifred b. about 1910, d. 1992Maurice b. 1901, d. 2000
- Singh
Meredith b. about 1903Sothara Jana b. about 1903
- Singleton
Ann b. about 1849, d. about 1924Edna b. 1923Elizabeth b. 1846, d. 1922Elizabeth Ann b. 1895, d. about 1981Eric b. about 1921, d. about 1922Fred b. 1896, d. about 1948John b. about 1778Mabel b. 1894, d. about 1964Priscilla b. 1778Samuel b. about 1822
- Sirr
Ann b. 1800, d. about 1868William b. about 1797
- Sisson
Mary b. 1818, d. about 1885Thomas b. about 1790, d. before 1868
- Skelton
Alfred b. 1892, d. 1972Cecilia Florence Myrtle b. 1898, d. 1956Sarah b. about 1725William b. about 1725
- Skiles
Helen P b. 1920, d. 1987Pearl M b. 1896, d. 1992Robert C b. 1928, d. 2008Sidney Mason b. 1897
- Skilton
Ada b. 1865
- Skinner
Eliza b. 1869Gladys Irene b. 1917, d. about 2002Isabella Carruthers b. 1877, d. about 1957Joseph b. about 1848Mary Ann b. 1895Sarah b. 1857
- Skyring
Thora Alagne b. 1914, d. 2010Thora Alaque b. 1914, d. 2010
- Slack
Alfred b. about 1853Ann b. 1881Annie b. 1868Frank Arthur b. 1863Frank Owen b. 1895Hannah b. 1866, d. about 1912Margaret b. about 1723Mary b. 1889, d. 1980
- Slacker
Bertha Marie b. 1923, d. 2016
- Slade
Dorothy Louisa b. 1919, d. about 1987Joseph b. about 1917Roy J b. about 1941, d. 2013Terence b. 1946, d. about 2004
- Slater
Alice b. 1839Arther b. 1907Arthur b. 1907Catherine b. 1804, d. about 1885Dorothy b. 1908Edith May b. 1880Elizabeth b. 1832Frank b. 1864George b. 1833George b. 1862, d. 1886Harriet b. 1833, d. about 1865Henry b. 1830, d. about 1896James b. 1852John b. 1829
John Henry b. 1880
Lily b. 1880Lily b. 1909Mary J b. 1830Phylis b. 1904Ruth b. 1914, d. about 1999Samuel b. about 1804Samuel b. 1854Samuel b. 1880Sarah b. 1835Sarah Ann b. about 1860 - Slater (cont.)
Simeon b. 1836Simeon b. about 1856Simon b. 1836
- Slaughter
Gladys M b. 1911James b. 1907John b. 1939
- Sleightholm
John Dearnley b. 1891
- Sleightholme
Alice M b. 1888Edith b. 1880Frank b. 1877John Dearnley b. 1891John Frank b. 1852, d. before 1901Sarah Elizabeth b. 1855Walter b. 1886
- Slinet
Ann b. about 1711, d. 1739
- Slingsby
Kathleen b. 1908
- Smailes
Basil Thomson b. 1913, d. about 1987Gwendoline Florence b. 1913, d. about 1978
- Smale
Alan John b. 1926, d. 1992Florence b. 1890, d. 1964Gordon b. 1888Gordon Joseph b. 1920, d. 1943
- Smales
Benjamin b. 1868
- Small
James b. about 1775Mary b. about 1775
- Smalley
Ellen b. 1810, d. 1856
- Smalwod
Margret b. about 1550
- Smart
Ivy Constance b. 1916, d. 1984Jane b. 1813, d. before 1847
- Smearman
Karen Sue b. 1949, d. 2015
- Smedley
Agnes Jessie b. 1892Alfred b. about 1892Joyce b. 1921, d. 2018Mary b. between 1806 and 1811, d. about 1845
- Smethurst
Mary b. 1780, d. between 1851 and 1861
- Smith
(?) b. about 1758, d. before 1790Agnes b. about 1862Agnes b. 1871, d. 1962Agnes b. 1889
Agnes Mary b. about 1875, d. 1936
Alan b. about 1921Albert E b. 1889Alice b. 1881Alice b. 1883, d. about 1913
Alice b. about 1891Alice b. 1907Alice M b. about 1859Alice Maud b. 1874, d. about 1918Andrew b. about 1852Ann b. about 1645Ann b. 1653Ann b. 1666, d. about 1670Ann b. 1670, d. about 1680Ann b. about 1678Ann b. 1681Ann b. 1707Ann b. 1746Ann b. about 1756Ann b. about 1777Ann b. 1785, d. 1855 - Smith (cont.)
Ann b. 1827, d. 1905Ann b. 1830Ann b. about 1840Ann b. 1849
Annie b. 1880, d. 1969
Annie Georgina b. about 1854, d. 1950Annie H b. 1869Archie b. 1884Arthur b. 1875Arthur b. 1884Arthur b. about 1919Arthur Leonard b. 1890, d. 1947
Barbara b. 1939, d. 2001Betty Martha b. 1925, d. about 2000Candace J b. 1846, d. about 1906Candes b. 1846, d. about 1906Charles b. about 1815Charles b. 1867Charles Mervin Francis b. about 1917Charlotte b. 1909Clara b. 1878Cyril b. about 1913, d. 1995Daniel b. about 1818David b. 1831David b. 1929, d. 1972 - Smith (cont.)
Dearnaly b. 1862, d. 1921
Denis b. 1924, d. 2007
Denley b. 1925Dennis b. 1924, d. 2007
Doll b. 1899, d. 1978
Doreen M b. 1935Doris b. 1909Doris E b. about 1922Dorothy b. 1899, d. 1978
Dorothy b. 1930, d. 1999Dorothy Jane b. 1919, d. 2005
Edgar b. 1873Edith b. 1919, d. 1988Edna b. 1926, d. 1996Edna M b. 1916
Edna Margaret A B b. 1928, d. about 1975Edward b. 1673, d. 1673Edward b. 1870Edward Darnley b. 1862, d. 1921Edward Dearnly (Rev.) b. 1862, d. 1921Edward Horace b. 1895, d. 1976
Eliza b. 1870, d. about 1930Eliza Ann b. about 1856, d. about 1926
Elizabeth b. about 1635Elizabeth b. about 1639, d. 1710 - Smith (cont.)
Elizabeth b. about 1640, d. after 1671Elizabeth b. 1672