- Burton (cont.)
Joseph William b. about 1875, d. 1950Kathleen b. 1902Mabel b. 1885Maria b. 1830, d. about 1921Mary Alice b. 1902, d. 1902Mary Elizabeth b. 1863Mary Ellen b. about 1867Muriel Louie b. 1907Sarah b. 1817, d. 1853Susannah b. 1873Thomas b. 1857Tom b. 1857William A b. 1912
- Burwell
Mary b. 1698, d. 1759Samuel b. about 1650Susana b. 1652, d. 1703
- Bury
(?) b. about 1853Mary b. 1875, d. about 1960Sarah Ann b. 1853Unknown b. about 1853
- Butcher
Elizabeth b. about 1823, d. before 1856May b. about 1920Robert b. about 1920
- Butler
Alfred b. about 1877Arthur b. about 1915Charlotte Maria Hartill b. 1875, d. 1963Charlotte Maria Hartill b. 1875, d. 1963Charlotte Marion Martel b. 1875, d. 1963Eliza b. 1843Eliza b. about 1879
Freda b. 1907, d. 1990
Harry b. about 1874Joseph Harwick b. about 1847Louisa J b. about 1866Mary Ann b. about 1847Norah b. about 1932, d. about 1939Phyllis b. 1916Reginald b. 1909Thomas b. 1842Thomas Henry b. about 1864 - Butlin
Jane b. 1826, d. about 1892
- Butterfield
Arthur b. 1907Charles Henry b. 1884, d. before 1939Doris J b. 1925Mary B b. 1918Mary Dearnley b. 1886
- Butterworth
(?) b. about 1834, d. before 1865Alexander b. about 1402Annie b. 1870Benjamin b. about 1729
Connie b. 1917, d. 2012
Constance Mary b. 1917, d. 2012
Deborah b. 1757, d. 1809Eliza Ann b. about 1863Ellen b. about 1729Hannah b. 1880, d. 1969
Jack b. 1881, d. 1926
James b. about 1806James b. 1908James b. 1938, d. about 2005John b. 1881, d. 1926
John Stuart b. 1911, d. 1989Martha b. 1917, d. about 1993Nicholas b. about 1460Robert b. about 1855Roger b. about 1379Sarah b. 1820Sarah Alice b. 1883, d. about 1958Stewart J b. 1911, d. 1989Unknown b. about 1379Unknown b. about 1834, d. before 1865 - Butterworth (cont.)
William b. 1835
- Butts
Catherine R b. 1880Phyllis Catherine b. 1903William D b. 1871
- Buxton
Henry b. about 1744, d. 1780Sarah b. about 1745, d. 1813
- Byatt
Alfred b. 1842Ann b. 1801, d. 1873Eliza b. about 1836Elizabeth b. about 1836Emily b. 1869, d. about 1894Hannah b. about 1835Harriet b. 1843Harriet b. about 1848Harriet Sarah b. about 1848James b. about 1838John b. 1802, d. 1878John b. about 1833, d. 1835John Peter b. about 1840Maria b. about 1829Mary-Ann b. about 1830Philip b. about 1822Sarah Pass b. about 1831
- Byram
David R b. 1919Ellen b. 1884George Harry b. 1860John Radcliffe b. 1885, d. about 1945Mary b. 1857
- Byrne
Alice b. about 1889, d. before 1943Amelia b. 1834Amelia b. 1841, d. 1896Ann b. between 1796 and 1801Carline b. 1869Caroline b. 1869
Edmund b. 1837, d. 1904
Edmund b. 1866Edmund Kean b. 1837, d. 1904
Edmund Keen b. 1837, d. 1904
Emily b. 1860, d. 1946Frances Michael Edward b. 1795, d. 1838Henry b. 1827Herbert Richard b. 1881Mary Ann b. 1870Robert Edward b. 1879Rose Amelia b. 1873Sarah Lucy b. 1877Thomas Henry b. 1875William b. 1864 - Bytheway
Edward b. about 1801Edward b. 1834Elizabeth b. about 1802, d. before 1851Jane b. 1823Mary b. 1826, d. 1868Samuel b. 1831
- Byutt
Eliza b. about 1836
- Bywater
Connie b. 1902, d. 1937Dorothy b. 1894Emily b. 1869James Henry b. 1868Winnie b. 1899
- Cade
Edith Mary b. 1900, d. 1994
- Cade-Hughes
Colin Edward b. about 1954, d. 2016Edward b. 1920, d. 1974Joan E b. about 1922, d. 2018
- Cadman
Cecilia b. 1814Cecily b. 1814Cicely b. 1814Cisily b. 1814Cissela b. 1814Herbert b. 1908Marian b. 1907, d. about 1966Martha b. 1786Sisley b. 1814Thomas b. about 1791
- Caen
- Caffey
John b. 1825, d. between 1871 and 1881
- Caffrey
Catherine b. 1846, d. 1893Edward b. 1857Elizabeth b. 1850John b. 1825, d. between 1871 and 1881Mary Ann b. 1860Nancy b. 1851
- Caffry
Annie b. 1851Edward b. 1857Elizabeth b. 1850Jane b. 1829John b. 1825, d. between 1871 and 1881Mary Ann b. 1860Nancy b. 1851
- Cain
Charles b. about 1902Eleanor M b. about 1915Elizabeth Ann b. about 1876Florence Lilian b. about 1903Harry b. about 1896Henry James b. about 1896Herbert b. 1873Herbert Charles b. about 1902Lillie b. about 1903May b. about 1898Stanley William b. about 1907
- Cairns
Margaret b. 1837, d. before 1871
- Calaghan
Catharine b. 1822, d. 1868
- Calagione
Angelina b. 1872Mary A b. 1872
- Calder
Eva Mabel b. 1889, d. 1971Mabel Eva b. 1889, d. 1971Margaret b. about 1776
- Calderbank
Elizabeth b. 1866, d. 1947John b. about 1838
- Calderley
Annie b. 1875
- Caldon
Emma M b. about 1880Leon M b. about 1880Lurlyne Marjorie b. 1908
- Caldwell
Clifford Lynch b. 1908, d. 1995Emma Scott b. 1910, d. 1994
- Calladine
(?) b. about 1807Harriett b. 1840, d. about 1885Harriott b. 1840, d. about 1885Mary b. 1817Mary A b. 1852Unknown b. about 1807William b. 1807
- Callaghan
Catharine b. 1822, d. 1868
- Callahan
John H b. 1910Mary E b. 1913
- Callan
Christopher b. about 1919Margaret b. 1920
- Callear
Connie b. 1906, d. about 1996Frank b. about 1906
- Calligan
Alice b. about 1900, d. 1976
- Callis
Mary b. about 1843
- Callison
Alice b. 1893, d. about 1956Frank H b. 1894
- Calver
June V b. 1897May b. 1913, d. about 1970
- Calvert
Adfield b. 1863Adfield Crowther b. 1838Elizabeth b. about 1765Freda b. about 1894John b. 1862Lavinia b. 1876Louisa Ann b. 1873Mary Ann b. 1837Rawson b. 1867Romulus b. 1856, d. 1915William b. 1871
- Camden
Sarah b. 1886
- Cameron
Angus Joseph b. 1915, d. 1984Catherine b. 1882, d. 1914Gwendoline Amelia b. 1917, d. 2005Louisa b. 1907, d. about 1979
- Camp
Eliza b. about 1811Florence M b. about 1901
- Campbell
Florence Ethel b. 1883, d. about 1966John M b. about 1883Mary Jennifer b. 1946, d. 1981Maureen Agnes b. 1932, d. 1992Mickey b. 1940, d. 1972Mildred Jane b. 1940, d. 1972
- Campenot
Edith b. 1907Fred b. 1902Lavinia b. about 1870, d. about 1936William b. about 1872
- Campion
(?) b. about 1492Elizabeth b. about 1520, d. about 1591Thomas b. about 1520, d. after 1591Unknown b. about 1492
- Campyon
Elizabeth b. about 1520, d. about 1591Thomas b. about 1520, d. after 1591
- Canavan
Mary b. about 1865Sarah Elizabeth b. 1886
- Cannarozzi
Joan b. 1931, d. 2014
- Canning
Margaret b. 1849Mary W b. 1876Michael b. 1845William b. about 1817, d. before 1874
- Cannon
Ernest O b. about 1915Phyllis E b. 1917
- Cannovan
Sarah b. 1886
- Canser
Georgina b. 1884, d. about 1964
- Cantlay
Leslie Stuart b. 1945, d. 2001
- Capes
Emily b. about 1882, d. about 1913Emley b. about 1882, d. about 1913William b. about 1855
- Carcroft
Margrit b. about 1667Thomas b. about 1667
- Cardel
Abraham b. about 1669Ann b. 1698Elizabeth b. about 1669Isaac b. 1697
- Carell
Margaret b. about 1720
- Carey
Ann b. 1763, d. 1833
Edmund (Master) b. 1787, d. 1833
George Savile b. 1743, d. about 1807George Saville b. 1771Henry b. 1687, d. 1743Martha Udosia b. 1765Mary Ann b. between 1739 and 1741Mary Anne b. 1763, d. 1833Nance b. 1763, d. 1833Nancy b. 1763, d. 1833Phoebe b. about 1790Sylvia b. 1767 - Cargill
Catherine b. 1882George A b. about 1930, d. 1970Gwendoline b. 1926, d. about 1970John Arthur b. 1882, d. 1950Kathleen b. 1911
- Carl
(?) b. about 1838Mary J b. 1838, d. 1913Unknown b. about 1838
- Carling
Rosemary Elizabeth b. 1923, d. 1991William H b. about 1923
- Carlisle
Elsie b. 1935Emma Nellie b. 1903, d. about 1992Eva b. 1938John b. 1930, d. about 1994Mavis b. 1926Thomas b. 1941, d. about 2003Thomas Wilfred b. 1903, d. about 1946Trevor b. 1936, d. about 2003
- Carloman
- Carlson
Claudia D b. 1936, d. 2015
- Carnahan
Clarence b. about 1901Effie b. about 1901
- Carns
Isabel b. about 1854
- Carpenter
Lydia Emma b. 1878Mary Ann b. 1852, d. before 1891Thomas b. 1826William A b. 1850
- Carr
Abigail b. 1819, d. 1892Ellen b. 1928Mary b. 1778, d. 1846Rachael b. 1838Rachel b. 1838
- Carriere
Edmund b. about 1935Frances Minnie b. 1935, d. 1980
- Carriger
Zalic b. 1908, d. 1964
- Carroll
Mary b. 1828, d. about 1911William b. about 1800
- Carter
Alice b. 1865Ann b. about 1656Ann b. 1685Ann b. 1801, d. 1877Anne b. 1801, d. 1877Annie b. 1871, d. about 1940Annie b. 1893Arthur B b. about 1907Arthur Charles Athol b. about 1909Catherine b. 1650Catherine b. 1858Dina b. 1654Dora b. about 1921Elizabeth b. 1659Elizabeth Ann b. 1850Ethel M b. 1891, d. about 1968Ethel Maud b. 1884, d. 1909Frances b. 1614Frances b. 1647
Fred b. 1884, d. 1961
George b. 1911Hannah b. 1856Harold George b. about 1883Harriet b. 1899Irene Madeline b. 1907, d. 1997
- Carter (cont.)
Ivy b. about 1918Jane b. about 1590Joannan b. 1701John b. 1690John Stuart L b. 1915, d. 2000Joseph b. 1891Kate b. 1858Katherine b. 1650Kathren b. 1650Laura b. 1887Lilian b. about 1918Margaret b. 1840Mary b. 1619, d. after 1660Mary b. 1644Mary b. 1892Mildred b. about 1910Phyllis Irene b. 1905, d. about 1967Raymond b. 1916Reginald b. 1913Ronald b. about 1919Sarah b. 1698Thomas b. about 1590, d. after 1621Thomas b. about 1830, d. before 1891Tom b. about 1877Victor b. about 1915
- Carter (cont.)
Walter b. 1850, d. 1912Walter b. 1897William b. 1620William b. 1656, d. 1729William b. 1687William b. 1845
- Cartledge
Elizabeth b. 1837James b. about 1840
- Cartwright
Andrew b. 1821Ann b. 1824, d. about 1878Ann b. 1862Charles b. 1880Clara b. 1855Clara b. 1874Daniel b. 1852, d. about 1885David b. 1826Edred b. 1853Elizabeth Ann b. 1871Emma b. 1855
Emma b. 1867, d. 1946
Esther b. about 1854Ethel b. 1883Eve b. 1868Evelyn b. about 1915Florence b. 1859Fred b. 1898George b. about 1852Hannah b. 1799Hannah b. 1815, d. 1888Haydn b. 1844Henry b. 1850Henry b. 1869Hydon b. 1844 - Cartwright (cont.)
James b. 1798James b. 1846James b. 1913, d. 1922James Booth b. about 1838, d. before 1887Joe b. 1859John b. about 1783