- Lindley (cont.)
John b. 1820, d. 1883John b. 1915, d. 1977John William b. 1870, d. 1937Joseph b. 1800Joseph b. 1846, d. about 1917Joseph b. 1884Joseph H b. 1862Kathleen Francis Margaret b. 1915, d. 2011Kenneth b. 1906, d. 1981Lillian McIntosh b. about 1929Lucy E b. 1889, d. 1980Mabel b. about 1922, d. 2013Maria b. 1821, d. 1902Martha b. about 1876, d. 1901Mary b. about 1906Mary (Polly) b. 1872, d. 1955Nellie b. 1885, d. 1961Nellie b. 1900Phillius b. 1844, d. 1911Phyllis b. 1844, d. 1911Phyllis b. 1921Sam b. 1846, d. 1903Sam b. about 1911Sarah Ellen b. 1870, d. 1958Stephen Sam b. about 1911
- Lindley (cont.)
Winifred b. 1909, d. about 1987
- Lindsay
(?) b. about 1900Annie Louisa b. 1900, d. 1979Anthony b. about 1800Dorothy b. about 1894Susannah b. about 1804, d. 1900
- Lindsey
Blodwen Mary b. 1926George A b. about 1921George E b. 1899, d. about 1959Ivy M b. about 1922Leah b. 1901, d. about 1982Mary b. 1926
- Lingard
Edward b. 1868John b. about 1808John b. 1860Martha b. 1870Mary b. 1836, d. 1891Mary Ann b. 1870Sam b. 1873Samuel b. 1836, d. about 1896Samuel b. 1873Sarah b. 1877Walter b. 1866
- Linley
Ann b. 1765Hannah b. 1787John b. about 1764John b. 1820, d. 1883Maria b. 1821, d. 1902Phyllis b. 1844, d. 1911Sam b. 1846, d. 1903
- Linney
Jane Swindles b. 1888, d. 1966
- Linton
Ellen b. 1853, d. about 1900George b. about 1826
- Lipman
Rachel b. 1884
- Lipscombe
Eva D A b. 1904
- Lipsman
Rachael b. 1884Rachel b. 1884
- Lister
Annie b. 1904Ben b. 1870Elizabeth Sophia b. 1892Frank b. about 1903Joseph b. 1843Mary Ann b. 1852
- Litford
Sarah b. 1849, d. 1935
- Little
Hannah b. 1835, d. 1913William b. 1823, d. 1903
- Littlejohn
Susan Dollin b. about 1858
- Littlejohns
Eliza Catherine b. 1835, d. 1871Elizabeth b. 1863Emily Eliza b. 1865Henry b. 1828John Thomas b. 1868Sarah B b. 1862Susan Dollin b. about 1858
- Littlewood
Ada b. 1902Ann b. 1810, d. 1869Ann b. 1840Anne b. 1810, d. 1869Eliza b. 1857Elsie b. 1912, d. about 1983Ernest b. about 1876Ernest b. 1898Evelyn b. 1895Frances b. 1873George H b. 1848Gladys b. 1902Hannah b. 1864Harold b. 1903Harold b. about 1918
Helena b. 1917, d. 1986
Henry b. about 1806, d. before 1892Herbert b. 1869Jeanette Gladys b. 1902John b. 1809John b. 1835John Anthony b. about 1875Lilian b. 1904, d. about 1981Mabeth b. 1909Mariah b. 1830, d. about 1921 - Littlewood (cont.)
Mary b. 1808Mary b. 1834, d. about 1888Mary b. about 1906Mary Jane b. 1846May b. about 1913Sarah b. about 1720, d. 1767Sarah b. 1833Sarah b. 1834, d. about 1915Sarah Ann b. 1837, d. about 1883Thomas b. 1844Voltaire b. 1893William b. about 1838
- Liversidge
Emma b. 1846Fanny b. 1795, d. 1865George b. 1792Isaac John b. about 1842Mary b. 1788, d. between 1851 and 1861Nancy b. 1795, d. 1865
- Livesley
John b. about 1755Mary b. 1757
- Lloyd
Alma b. 1936, d. about 1985Frank b. 1906Goodwin b. about 1822Jane b. 1822Jessie Cairns b. about 1874, d. 1913Lauretta May b. 1909, d. 2004Nellie b. 1913, d. 1988Sarah Ann b. 1856William Sydney b. 1912
- Llyr
- Loague
Margaret b. about 1850
- Loat
Harriet b. about 1854
- Lockett
Catherine b. 1821, d. 1836Elijah b. about 1817Fanny b. 1817Hannah b. 1800, d. 1832Hannah b. 1820, d. 1820John b. 1819Joseph b. 1824Katherine b. 1821, d. 1836Mary b. 1830, d. 1835Robert b. 1826Ruth b. 1827Samuel b. between 1801 and 1806
- Locking
Ruth b. about 1918
- Lockley
Dorothy Christina b. 1922, d. about 2015Maurice b. 1921, d. 2013
- Locklin
Claudius b. about 1835Emma b. about 1858, d. about 1924Florence b. 1889Harold b. 1896Hilda b. 1892Joseph b. 1863
- Lockwood
(?) b. about 1853Abraham b. about 1789, d. before 1841Ada b. 1875Alfred b. 1868, d. about 1915Alfred W b. 1868, d. about 1915Alice b. 1848Amy Lilian b. 1880Ann b. 1838Ann E b. 1863Anne b. 1815Anne Jackson b. about 1822Annie b. 1863Annis b. about 1862Benjamin b. 1883Bertie b. 1889Betty b. 1813Birtie b. 1889Charles Robinson b. about 1850, d. about 1874Clara b. 1886Clifford b. 1899Dick b. 1852Easter b. 1790, d. about 1857Edith b. 1894Edward Dearnley b. 1894, d. about 1958Edward Jackson b. 1864
- Lockwood (cont.)
Eliza b. 1815, d. about 1887Eliza b. 1842, d. about 1910Elizabeth b. 1806Elizabeth b. 1848Elizabeth b. 1851Emiley b. 1875Emily b. 1875Ernest b. about 1922Esther b. 1790, d. about 1857Ethel b. 1884Ethel b. 1884Franklin b. 1863Geoffrey b. 1914, d. 2005George b. between 1823 and 1826George b. 1851Hannah b. 1833Hannah b. 1871Harold b. 1910Harry b. 1879Henry b. 1855, d. between 1901 and 1911Herbert b. 1896Hilda b. 1894Hilda b. 1910James b. 1812James b. about 1835, d. before 1886
- Lockwood (cont.)
Jane b. 1827, d. about 1902Joe b. 1882John b. about 1786John b. between 1821 and 1824John b. 1890John b. 1911, d. 2012Joseph b. between 1816 and 1821Laura b. 1898
Laura b. about 1922
Lidia b. 1748Lilly b. 1881, d. about 1881Lily b. 1893Lucy Ann b. 1872Lydia b. 1748Lydia b. 1792Margaret b. about 1634, d. 1671Margaret b. 1853Margareta b. about 1634, d. 1671Mark b. 1845Martha b. 1852, d. 1922Mary b. 1763Mary b. 1843, d. about 1919Mary b. 1912Mary Ann b. 1863Mary Elizabeth b. 1824, d. about 1875 - Lockwood (cont.)
Mary Elizabeth b. about 1857Matthew b. about 1713Minnie b. 1873Norah Novella b. 1883, d. about 1975Norman b. 1889Norris b. 1890Richard b. 1852Sam Jackson b. 1842, d. about 1903Samuel Jackson b. 1842, d. about 1903Sarah b. about 1795Sarah E b. 1896, d. about 1962Susannah b. about 1713Thomas b. about 1790Thomas b. 1818Thomas b. 1840Unknown b. about 1853William b. 1737William b. 1805William b. 1820, d. about 1891William b. 1844William b. 1891William Darnley b. 1878, d. about 1952William Henry b. 1868
- Lockwood-Dearnley
Violet b. 1910, d. about 1994
- Lodge
Albert b. 1873Albert b. about 1910, d. about 1987Ann b. 1796, d. 1843Annie b. 1876Betty b. 1795, d. 1859Charles b. about 1827Elizabeth b. 1795, d. 1859Ellen b. 1847Esther b. 1851Hannah b. 1796, d. 1843Hannah b. about 1801Helen b. 1847Jack Dearnley b. 1912, d. 2000Joe b. 1881Joseph b. about 1820, d. before 1886Margaret A b. 1907Marion b. 1880Marion Kathleen b. 1902Marjorie b. 1910, d. 1982Mary b. 1855Richard b. about 1842, d. before 1928Samuel b. 1851Sarah b. 1870, d. about 1935
- Loening
Ernest Max b. 1907
May Bernadette b. 1911
- Loft
Eda b. 1880, d. about 1973
- Lofting
Dorothy N b. 1913
- Loftus
Marjorie Joan b. 1925, d. about 1965
- Logan
John b. 1803, d. 1871Margaret b. 1797Mary Ann b. 1826, d. 1884
- Lohning
Ernest Max b. 1907Herman b. 1907
- Lomas
Ann b. 1823, d. 1891Betty b. 1775, d. 1781Betty b. 1784, d. 1820Elias b. 1803, d. 1843Elizabeth b. 1775, d. 1781Elizabeth b. 1784, d. 1820Ellen b. 1839Hannah b. about 1855Henry b. 1842James b. 1823, d. 1857John b. 1833John b. 1849, d. 1853John Creswick b. 1785, d. 1819Joseph b. about 1885Mary b. 1754, d. 1808Mary b. about 1776, d. 1781Mary b. about 1777Mary b. 1790, d. 1829Mary b. 1800Mary b. 1835Mary Ellen b. 1857, d. 1860Mille b. 1828Peter b. about 1750, d. 1822Peter b. 1796, d. 1818Peter the younger b. 1796, d. 1818
- Lomas (cont.)
Phebe Ann b. 1788, d. 1819Phoebe b. about 1849, d. 1876Phoebe Ann b. 1788, d. 1819Samuel b. 1851, d. 1852Sarah b. 1782, d. 1821Thomas b. 1777, d. 1815William b. about 1766William b. 1794William b. 1846, d. 1846William Thomas b. 1848, d. 1908
- Lomass
Sarah b. 1782, d. 1821
- Lomax
Albert b. 1875Alice b. about 1843, d. 1927Bertha b. 1883, d. 1967Emily b. 1873Frank b. 1878Harry b. 1844, d. 1921Henrietta b. 1845John b. about 1815Leonard b. 1881Margaret b. 1908Mary b. 1800William b. 1794
- Lombard
O Elizabeth b. 1956, d. 2011
- Long
Ann Elizabeth b. 1837, d. 1870Anna b. about 1894John b. about 1894Mary b. about 1755
- Longan
Bridget b. about 1861
- Longbottom
Abraham b. 1823, d. about 1848Alice M b. 1903Deborah b. 1823, d. about 1849Jonas b. about 1795
- Longley
Beatrice Alice b. 1865, d. about 1945Booth b. 1880, d. about 1941Clifford b. 1904, d. 1973Edmund b. 1906Ellen b. 1917Ernest b. 1907Fredrick b. about 1852Selina b. 1873, d. about 1955
- Longmore
Florence b. about 1884, d. about 1924John Thomas b. about 1844John Thomas b. 1872
- Longson
Agnes b. 1883Eliza Hawley b. 1888Hannah b. 1852, d. about 1916James b. 1850Jane Ann b. 1889John b. 1884
- Longstaff
Clara Jane b. about 1855Eliza b. 1821James Ellis b. about 1864Jane b. between 1800 and 1802, d. about 1867John b. 1825, d. about 1866
- Loning
Jane b. about 1614
- Lord
Ann b. 1905Arthur b. 1880Elizabeth b. about 1882Eveline b. 1922, d. 2008John b. about 1833Lilian T b. about 1922
Martha b. 1861, d. 1901
Mary b. about 1796Mary b. 1857Thomas b. about 1852, d. before 1903