- Cook (cont.)
John b. about 1708, d. about 1768Joseph b. 1834Joseph b. about 1860Joseph Douglas b. about 1919Joshua b. about 1710Joshua b. 1722, d. before 1726Joshua b. 1726Lydia b. 1827Mary b. about 1689Mary b. 1711Mary b. 1801Mary Ann b. 1881, d. about 1975
May Martha b. about 1892, d. 1980
Nellie b. 1890Ronald b. 1917Samuel b. about 1845Samuel J b. 1891Sarah b. about 1716Sarah b. 1718Sarah b. 1888, d. 1969Unknown b. about 1869Walker b. about 1815William b. 1723William b. 1889 - Cooke
Edith May b. 1880Edward b. about 1685, d. 1729Elizabeth b. about 1551, d. 1612Ellen b. about 1676Ellen b. 1780, d. about 1858Emma b. 1874, d. about 1902Hannah b. 1819, d. 1887John b. about 1685, d. 1726John b. 1707, d. 1707John b. about 1708, d. about 1768John b. about 1791Joseph b. 1834Joshua b. about 1679, d. about 1720Joshua b. about 1710Lydia b. 1827Martha b. 1701, d. 1705Martha b. about 1712Mary b. about 1685, d. about 1741Mary b. about 1689Mary b. 1709Mary b. 1711Mary b. about 1714, d. 1741Robert b. about 1676, d. before 1717Robert b. 1697, d. 1719Sarah b. about 1685
- Cooke (cont.)
Sarah b. 1711, d. 1712Sarah b. about 1716Thomas b. about 1688, d. 1729Unknown b. about 1657Unknown b. about 1657
- Cookwell
Alfred b. about 1887Edith Meranda b. about 1915, d. 1939Ethelea b. about 1887Merinda Edith b. about 1915, d. 1939
- Coombes
(?) b. about 1848(?) b. about 1896Ada Elizabeth b. 1873, d. 1953Ann b. 1783Jack West b. about 1908Joseph West b. 1870Mary Ann b. 1848Norman Joseph b. 1896Ruby Ada b. about 1902Unknown b. about 1848Unknown b. about 1896
- Cooms
Flossie b. 1904, d. 1965
- Coon
Catharine E b. 1828, d. 1912Ella Mae b. 1872, d. 1962
- Cooney
Edith b. about 1874Edith Norah b. about 1908John Peter b. about 1874Mary Ann b. about 1869Muriel Jose b. about 1904Sheila Mary b. about 1906
- Coons
Ella Mae b. 1872, d. 1962Flossie b. 1904, d. 1965
- Coop
(?) b. about 1810Sarah b. 1810Unknown b. about 1846
- Cooper
Ann b. about 1762Anne b. 1787Annie Maria b. 1869Betty b. 1793Betty b. 1808Charles b. 1794Clara b. 1883, d. 1950Clifford b. 1905, d. 1988Edwin b. about 1847, d. before 1897Elisa b. 1812, d. 1889Eliza b. 1812, d. 1889Elizabeth b. 1812, d. 1889Elizabeth b. 1834Elizabeth b. 1836, d. about 1894Florence Maude b. 1877Hannah b. 1664, d. 1729Hannah b. 1791Hannah b. 1831Hannah b. 1833Hannah b. 1855Harriet b. 1827Harriett b. 1831Harrison b. 1840Helen b. about 1825Henrietta b. 1845
- Cooper (cont.)
Isaac b. 1806James b. about 1792, d. before 1851James b. 1827James b. 1903, d. 1975James Stanley b. 1903, d. 1975James William b. about 1818Jane b. about 1815Jean b. about 1937, d. 2019John b. about 1762John b. between 1793 and 1799John b. 1828
John b. 1837
Joseph b. 1800Joseph b. 1836Kathleen Margaret b. 1932, d. 2020Leonard b. 1909, d. 2000Lois b. 1836Louis b. 1836Marion Dennerley b. about 1879Mark b. 1840Martha b. 1824Mary b. between 1796 and 1901Mary b. 1805Mary b. 1820Mary b. 1822 - Cooper (cont.)
Mary b. 1832Mary b. 1841Mary Ann b. 1846, d. before 1891Nancy b. 1829Nellie b. 1891, d. about 1976Nelly b. 1891, d. about 1976Neville b. 1926, d. 1998Olive Clariza b. about 1900Rachel b. 1845Robert b. 1832Ruth b. 1789, d. 1835Ruth b. 1875Samuel Hudson b. 1871, d. 1966Sarah b. about 1721Sarah b. 1799, d. about 1852Sarah b. 1827Sarah b. 1836Sarah Ann b. 1836Stanley b. 1903, d. 1975Thomas b. 1827Unknown b. about 1836Walker b. about 1825William b. about 1786William b. between 1816 and 1821William b. 1822
- Coopper
Hannah b. about 1694Hannah b. 1721
- Cope
Edna May b. 1889, d. 1922Emma b. 1867, d. 1918Ernest b. 1890Henry b. 1867, d. 1909
- Copley
Charles b. about 1801Charlotte b. 1879, d. 1958Harold Victor b. 1902Jane b. 1829, d. about 1904Joseph b. about 1848Wilfred b. 1876, d. before 1939
- Coppinger
Catherine b. about 1612Elizabeth b. 1666, d. 1668Francis b. about 1629, d. 1677Francis b. 1664, d. 1664Francis b. 1665Mary b. 1637, d. 1673Mary b. 1662, d. 1666Mary b. 1672Raphe b. 1596, d. 1658Raphe b. about 1627
- Corbin
Valeria Ash b. 1912, d. about 1974
- Corby
Alice b. 1835, d. after 1863Elizabeth b. 1808George b. 1803
- Corcadden
William Arthur Stuart b. 1870, d. about 1935
- Corcaddon
James Stuart b. about 1842William Arthur Stuart b. 1870, d. about 1935
- Cordingley
Mary b. 1926, d. about 1995
- Corfield
Marion Frances b. about 1862
- Corker
Sarah b. about 1780
- Corless
Marian b. 1922, d. 1989Marion b. 1922, d. 1989
- Corley
Hilda b. 1897, d. about 1969
- Cornall
Alice b. 1889, d. about 1967Aza Alice b. 1862Eliza Ann b. 1859Ethel Gibson b. 1886James b. 1865Jane b. 1859, d. about 1894Jenny b. 1910, d. 2008Marth Lois b. 1862Sarah b. 1830Sarah b. 1884Thomas b. 1833Thomas Gibson b. 1863, d. about 1902
- Corner
Henry b. about 1812Jane b. 1835Sarah Ann b. 1840
- Cornish
Annie Maud b. 1888, d. 1957Dorothea Margaret b. 1923, d. 2008Dudley Ronald b. 1922, d. 1986John Flynn b. 1892, d. 1957John Fynn b. 1892, d. 1957Mary b. about 1756Roy Dearnley b. 1919, d. 1984
- Cornnish
Mary b. about 1756
- Corrigan
Bridget C b. 1881
- Cosby
Clara Alice b. 1879, d. about 1960
- Cosgrove
Elizabeth b. 1873Jane b. about 1905Margaret b. 1797Maureen b. about 1932, d. 2008Patricia M b. about 1939Patrick b. about 1938, d. about 1938Richard b. about 1905
- Cotterell
Leonard Evelyn (Major) b. 1893, d. 1968Nancy Ellinor b. 1901
- Cotterill
Jessie b. 1913
- Cottingham
Gervace b. about 1736, d. 1817Gervase b. about 1736, d. 1817Mary b. 1740
- Cottle
Ada b. 1912Celia b. about 1895Ernest b. 1912Flereller b. 1889George b. 1917Gustina Francis b. 1910Mary b. 1919Raymond Kitchener b. 1915, d. about 1971
- Cotton
David b. about 1825Godfrey J B b. 1916, d. 1994Jane b. 1848Joe b. 1853, d. before 1882John b. about 1864Mabel b. about 1896, d. 1984Mary Ellen b. 1878Penelope A b. about 1916Rose b. about 1864
- Coupe
(?) b. about 1801Annie b. 1854, d. about 1918Charles b. 1853Edith b. 1868Elizabeth b. 1829Elizabeth b. 1856James b. 1829, d. before 1881James b. 1853Jane b. 1860Joseph b. 1867Mary b. 1820Mary b. 1858, d. 1938Unknown b. about 1801William b. 1865
- Course
Alice b. 1629Ann b. about 1585, d. after 1629Ann b. 1619Edward b. 1618, d. about 1627Edward b. 1626George b. 1613Jane b. 1656John b. 1626Mary b. about 1635, d. after 1657Mary b. about 1656Mary b. 1675Nathaniel b. about 1587, d. after 1629Robert b. 1622Robert b. 1654Thomas b. 1614, d. after 1634Thomas b. about 1634, d. after 1658Thomas b. 1657William b. 1609
- Cousins
Ann b. about 1837Esther Ann b. 1867, d. 1943George b. about 1837Mildred Hazel b. 1921Norman b. about 1919
- Coutress
Fanny b. 1830
- Covington
James b. about 1817Mary b. 1845Sarah b. 1817
- Coward
Joyce b. 1920, d. 1992
- Cowburn
Anne b. 1800Jane b. 1829Jane b. 1881Leonard b. 1900Robert b. 1876Thomas b. about 1802
- Cowley
Harriet Dearnaley b. about 1840James b. 1840Jane b. 1811John b. 1818John Thomas b. 1860
- Cowling
Annie b. 1880, d. about 1921
- Cowlishall
Edward b. about 1794John Edward b. 1871Mary Ann b. 1832, d. after 1911Sarah E b. 1870William b. about 1822
- Cowper
Hannah b. 1664, d. 1729
- Cox
Alan D b. about 1919Ann b. about 1789Arline Gelston b. 1936, d. 2016Catherine b. 1815Elizabeth b. 1825, d. 1890Hannah b. 1888Irene b. about 1919John b. 1627, d. about 1628John W b. 1889Joseph b. about 1789Lydia b. about 1897Ralffe b. 1595, d. 1631Ralph b. 1595, d. 1631Raphe b. 1595, d. 1631Rodolf b. 1595, d. 1631Sara b. 1622, d. before 1645Sarah b. about 1605, d. 1632Stephen b. 1624Stephen b. about 1646Susannah b. 1873Thomas James b. 1818Unknown b. about 1625
- Coxer
Betty b. about 1808Elizabeth b. about 1808
- Crabtree
Ann b. 1801, d. after 1851Annie Elizabeth b. about 1874Benjamin b. about 1838, d. 1873Emily b. about 1856Ernest Jackson b. 1902, d. 1982Geoffrey b. 1935Hannah b. 1838, d. 1891James b. about 1890John b. about 1890Joseph b. about 1773Joseph William b. about 1874Nellie b. 1905, d. 1979Sarah b. 1764, d. 1789William b. 1855William b. 1880
- Craddock
Ada b. 1862, d. 1938Annie Isabel b. 1868Annie Isabella b. 1868Emma b. 1842, d. 1878William b. 1845
- Cradock
Thomas b. about 1587Thomasin b. 1587
- Craftes
Arthur b. about 1603Bridget b. about 1603
- Cragg
Gladys b. 1917, d. 1999
- Craig
Henrietta Sym Hawthorne b. 1924, d. 2004
- Crampton
Hettie b. about 1894, d. 1963
- Crane
Ethel Annie b. 1909, d. 2004
John b. 1875Louisa b. 1873 - Cranfield
Alice b. 1909, d. 1992
- Crapper
Beatrice Annie b. 1901, d. about 1991Norman Nigel b. 1890, d. about 1948Norman Nigell b. 1890, d. about 1948
- Craslie
Martha b. 1597
- Craven
Benjamin Holford b. 1892Charles Reginald b. 1897, d. 1987Edward Stanley b. about 1892Eliza b. 1822Ellen b. 1852, d. about 1937Florence May b. 1890Freda b. about 1894George Lewis b. 1882Gladys b. 1898, d. 1995Gordon T H b. 1914Jane Elizabeth b. 1865Joan b. 1918John Barbour b. 1895Joseph b. about 1822, d. before 1881Mary b. 1842, d. about 1867Wilfred Archer b. 1896William H b. 1925William Holford b. 1865