- Whitell
Elenn b. 1636
- Whitely
(?) (Sarah) b. 1782Abraham b. 1780Edith b. 1884Elizabeth b. 1752, d. 1814Hannah b. 1789, d. 1848John b. 1782, d. 1841John b. 1816, d. before 1821John b. 1820Joseph b. 1749Joseph b. 1786Joseph b. 1819Judith b. 1778Julia b. 1784Mary b. 1791Sarah b. 1753
- Whitfield
Andrew b. about 1874Edith b. 1902, d. about 1981
- Whitham
Pamela b. 1949, d. 2015
- Whiting
Anne Valerie b. about 1920, d. 2017Geoffrey Strickland b. 1919, d. about 1988
- Whitlam
Miriam b. 1903, d. 1987
- Whitle
Elizabeth b. about 1600Helena b. 1636William b. about 1600William b. 1629
- Whitley
Lewis b. 1810, d. 1834Peter b. 1780, d. 1842Susy Hannah b. 1853, d. about 1871
- Whitmore
Albert David b. 1873, d. 1937Aline May b. 1904, d. 1973James b. 1844, d. 1916Mary b. 1842, d. 1906Sarah b. 1872, d. 1936
- Whitney
Bertha Owen b. 1913, d. 1986
- Whittaker
(?) b. about 1817, d. before 1851Abraham b. 1850Alice b. 1827, d. about 1864Alice b. 1854Angelina b. 1863Arthur b. 1875Catherine b. about 1871Charles b. about 1888Eliza b. 1862Eliza b. 1906Eliza Jane b. 1856Esther b. 1851Esther b. 1889, d. 1962George b. about 1809George H b. 1860Hannah b. 1850Hannah b. about 1853Henry b. 1837Ida M b. about 1913, d. about 1922Ivy b. 1897James William b. 1871Jane E b. 1860Janet b. 1858Jannett b. 1858Jennie b. 1916, d. about 1987
- Whittaker (cont.)
John b. 1845Margaret b. 1838Martha B b. 1848Mary b. 1823Mary Elizabeth b. 1862Minnie b. 1878Minnie b. 1895Sarah b. 1817Sarah b. 1849Sarah Anne b. 1837Seth b. 1837Thomas b. 1825Unknown b. about 1817, d. before 1851
- Whittam
Miriam b. 1903, d. 1987
- Whittenbury
(?) b. about 1811, d. before 1853Alice b. 1811Unknown b. about 1811, d. before 1853
- Whittington
Ann b. 1827, d. 1905Edward b. 1829, d. 1904Elizabeth b. 1824, d. 1897Elizabeth b. about 1837, d. 1890Fanny b. about 1845Hannah Maria b. 1837, d. 1843Isaac b. 1798, d. 1870Isaac b. 1831, d. 1888Jeremiah b. 1835, d. 1890John Benjamin b. 1840, d. 1910Maria b. 1795, d. 1875Nancy b. about 1770Samuel b. about 1770Samuel b. 1821, d. 1871Sarah b. 1863, d. 1926Sarah Ann b. 1863, d. 1926
- Whittlestone
Ellen b. about 1833Florie b. 1883Henry b. about 1833Sarah Ellen b. 1861, d. 1942
- Whittworth
Mary b. about 1692
- Whitwam
Clifford b. about 1914Elizabeth M b. about 1915Ellen Gertrude b. 1886, d. about 1980Ernest b. about 1886, d. before 1923
- Whitworth
Ada b. 1906, d. about 1983Betty b. about 1755Deborah b. 1749, d. 1815Elizabeth b. about 1782Elizabeth b. 1861Emma b. 1857, d. 1932Frank b. about 1891Gladys Mary b. about 1892Hannah b. 1776, d. 1777Hannah b. about 1779Henry b. 1837Isaac b. about 1808Isaac b. 1868James b. about 1659, d. 1723James b. 1772James Jr b. 1687Jane b. about 1773Jane b. 1775John b. 1716John b. 1760John b. 1770, d. 1783Joseph b. 1820Luke b. 1705Luke b. 1758Lydia b. about 1660
- Whitworth (cont.)
Martha b. 1830Mary b. about 1670Mary b. about 1692Mary b. about 1733Mary b. about 1735Mary b. 1766Mary b. about 1772Mary b. 1835Philip b. 1733Robert b. 1778Sarah b. 1779, d. 1833Sarah b. 1837, d. before 1870Susanna b. 1768Unknown b. about 1659Unknown b. about 1688Unknown b. about 1705Unknown b. about 1716William b. 1755William b. 1862William Henry b. 1837William Henry b. 1837
- Whyatt
Margaret b. 1833, d. 1908Nathaniel b. about 1804
- Whybrow
Sarah b. 1872, d. 1938
- Whytle
Helena b. 1636
- Wibberley
Alfred b. 1843Ann b. 1834George b. 1827Hannah b. 1836James b. 1801, d. 1872James b. 1840Jane b. 1838Lot b. 1829Mary b. 1846Samuel b. 1831Sarah b. 1805, d. 1876William b. 1826
- Wibbersley
James b. 1801, d. 1872
- Widders
Ernest b. 1909Minnie b. 1907, d. about 1970Sarah Ann b. 1882William E b. 1905William Edward b. 1882
- Widley
Florence Minnie b. 1887, d. 1988
- Wiedman
George b. about 1894George b. about 1920, d. before 2003Mildred b. about 1894Mildred Louisa b. 1922, d. 2003
- Wiffen
Bertha Eliza b. about 1910Keith Kitchener b. about 1910
- Wigfall
Ethel b. 1886, d. about 1932
- Wiggins
Edith b. 1875, d. about 1964Edward b. about 1881May b. about 1881Olive May b. about 1909, d. 1982
- Wigginton
(?) b. about 1782
Alice b. about 1863
Jane b. 1823Rebecca b. 1783Unknown b. about 1782William b. 1821 - Wigglesworth
James b. about 1802, d. after 1853Maria b. 1802
- Wignall
Ben b. 1866James b. about 1838Jane b. about 1862Wilfred b. 1888
- Wijnen
Anita b. about 1940, d. 1989
- Wilby
Martha b. about 1838Thomas b. 1837
- Wilcox
James b. about 1820Mary b. 1820
- Wild
Alice Winifred b. about 1888Audrey b. 1891Bertha b. 1875, d. 1943Betsy Jane b. 1863Charles b. about 1874Christina Mary b. about 1893, d. about 1903Eliza Ann b. 1855, d. 1941Elizabeth b. 1841, d. 1907Elizabeth b. 1855, d. 1941Elizabeth Alice b. 1870, d. 1951Elizabeth Ann b. 1860, d. before 1908Esther b. about 1756Florence Beatrice b. 1886Henry b. 1836, d. 1897James b. about 1887, d. about 1887James Herbert b. 1853, d. 1919Jane b. 1837, d. 1888Jane b. 1896, d. 1986Jessie b. 1896John b. about 1756John Henry b. 1892Lizzie b. 1855, d. 1941Lucy b. 1830Lucy b. 1856Mary Harriet b. about 1870
- Wild (cont.)
Mary Harriet b. 1898Phyllis Marguerite b. about 1895Sarah b. about 1680Sarah b. 1770Sarah b. about 1805Sarah Alice Nesbit b. 1862, d. about 1951Sarah Ann b. 1890Sybil Audrey b. 1891Thomas b. 1826Thomas b. 1866, d. about 1903Thomas b. 1894Vernon Redmond b. 1897, d. about 1986Victor b. 1897Willie b. 1863, d. 1902Winifred b. about 1888
- Wilde
Bertha b. 1875, d. 1943Charles b. about 1874Charlotte b. 1869, d. 1893Edmunde b. about 1826Frank b. 1902Frederick b. 1854Jane b. 1896, d. 1986Sarah b. about 1805
- Wilding
Elizabeth b. 1800Ellen b. between 1776 and 1781
- Wiles
Alice b. about 1661, d. before 1703Alse b. about 1661, d. before 1703Gilbert b. about 1633, d. 1703Mary b. 1657Unknown b. about 1633
- Wilkins
Emily b. 1850, d. about 1911Emma b. 1850, d. about 1911John b. about 1821
- Wilkinson
Abraham b. 1810Alfred b. about 1852Ann b. 1834Annie b. 1917, d. after 1951Betsey b. 1844Betty b. between 1796 and 1801Catherine Selina b. 1832, d. 1918Charlotte b. 1901, d. about 1950Clara b. 1880, d. about 1922Elisha b. 1856Eliza b. about 1829Elizabeth b. about 1641Elizabeth Ann b. 1839Elizabeth Ann b. about 1863Elizabeth Ann b. 1877, d. about 1928Ellen b. 1769, d. about 1846George b. 1841George b. about 1867Hannah b. 1843Harriot b. 1848Helen b. 1769, d. about 1846Hellen b. 1769, d. about 1846Hellin b. 1769, d. about 1846Hilda b. 1894, d. after 1952Isabel b. 1895
- Wilkinson (cont.)
Jack b. about 1920James b. 1835James b. about 1847James b. 1855James b. 1875James P b. 1853James Richard b. about 1832James Richard b. 1853Jane b. 1857Jeremy b. about 1641Jerimy b. about 1641Maria b. 1848Mariah b. 1848Martha b. about 1678Mary b. 1812Mary b. 1851Mary Alice b. about 1875Mary Ann b. 1842Mary E b. about 1867Mary Holland b. 1838, d. 1929Mathew b. about 1829Phyllis b. 1921Richard b. 1846Roy b. about 1916Samuel b. 1817, d. about 1882
- Wilkinson (cont.)
Sarah b. 1839Sarah b. 1893, d. about 1968Sarah Jane b. 1857Stephenson b. 1900Stevenson b. 1900Thomas b. 1837William b. about 1790William b. 1812William b. 1863Zilpha b. 1816, d. 1857
- Willard
Iva b. 1920, d. 2012
Leah b. about 1892Max b. about 1892 - Willcox
Eliza Winifred b. 1908William Blayn b. 1907
- Willets
Clara Ellen b. 1870, d. 1953
- Willetts
Charles Thomas b. 1847Clara Ann b. 1847Percy George b. 1882William Arthur b. 1879
- Williams
'Googs' b. 1923, d. 1990
Alice b. about 1863
Alice b. 1888Ann b. 1838, d. before 1906Annie b. 1840, d. before 1883Arthur b. 1898Belinda b. about 1804Cecily Millicent b. 1926, d. 2004Charles b. 1896Claudia b. 1875Daisy b. 1897David b. 1905Edgar James b. 1923, d. 1990Edward b. about 1792Elizabeth b. 1848Elizabeth b. about 1899Elizabeth Meryl b. 1923, d. 1989
Ellen b. 1872, d. 1948Emily Ann b. about 1852Emma b. 1891Florence Ada May b. 1892, d. about 1974Fred D b. about 1914, d. about 1975Frederick b. about 1914, d. about 1975Frederick John b. 1896George T b. 1904 - Williams (cont.)
Ida b. 1879Ida b. 1913, d. 2001
Jesse Arthur b. 1868
John b. about 1790Joseph R b. about 1905Margaret Irene b. 1905Margaret R M b. about 1914Martha Elizabeth b. 1840, d. 1918Mary b. about 1742Mary b. 1894Mary Ann b. 1821, d. about 1884May b. 1890Phyllis b. 1913, d. 2000Rachel b. 1843, d. about 1886Rosannah b. 1914, d. 1994Sadie Olivia b. about 1907Sarah b. 1892Sarah A b. 1850, d. before 1886Thomas b. 1840Thomasina Louvain b. 1915
Violet b. 1902 - Williamson
(?) b. about 1807, d. before 1838Arthur John b. about 1912Doreen Dorothy b. 1914Eliza b. 1826Eliza b. 1885, d. about 1955Elizabeth b. 1829James b. about 1858Jim b. about 1858John b. about 1800, d. about 1840John b. 1828John b. about 1885
Marion b. 1791, d. 1836
Mary b. 1807Mary b. between 1821 and 1826Mary Ann b. about 1805Nancy b. about 1775Robert b. about 1779Sarah b. between 1821 and 1826Sarah Ann b. about 1828, d. about 1908Sarah Jane b. 1860Thomas Gibbes b. about 1775Thomas Hopewell b. 1803, d. 1858Unknown b. about 1807, d. before 1838William b. 1840