- Willie
Anna Mae b. 1935, d. 2022Frank b. 1935, d. 2009Franklin D b. 1935, d. 2009
- Willis
Ann b. 1808Ann b. 1878, d. about 1970Bertha b. 1904Eliza b. 1814Gervase Hewitson b. 1904Jane b. 1771, d. 1843Nye b. 1776Sarah b. about 1786, d. 1881Sarah b. 1850, d. about 1892William Brooke b. about 1902
- Willmore
Annie Florence b. 1905, d. about 1987
- Willmott
Beatrice L b. 1881Edith b. 1802Eva b. 1876Florence Elizabeth b. 1891, d. about 1976Frederick b. 1851Frederick L G b. about 1913, d. about 1915
Irene b. 1917
Laura Ann b. 1851Leonard Robert b. 1926, d. about 1977Leonard V G b. 1887, d. about 1962Leonard Victor George b. 1887, d. about 1962Lilly F b. 1885Mable E L b. 1890Roger Stoughton b. 1801Samuel b. about 1823Sidney S b. 1878Stanley Jno b. 1883Valerie b. 1927, d. about 2002William F b. 1877 - Willoughby
Edward b. 1849Hannah b. 1746Minnie b. 1880Nellie b. 1854
- Wills
Ann b. about 1763Betty b. about 1760, d. about 1793Elizabeth b. about 1760, d. about 1793
- Willshire
Lillie b. 1888, d. about 1968Lily b. 1888, d. about 1968
- Wilmot
Nellie b. 1885Sarah Jane b. 1865, d. 1939
- Wilmott
Anne b. 1835Florence Elizabeth b. 1891, d. about 1976Frederick b. 1851
Irene Elsie Eva b. 1917
Joan b. about 1922Laura Ann b. 1851Len b. 1887, d. about 1962Leonard Robert b. 1926, d. about 1977Nellie b. 1885Robert L b. 1926, d. about 1977Sarah Jane b. 1865, d. 1939William b. 1835 - Wilsden
Joseph Henry b. about 1846Mary Ann Dearnley b. about 1847
- Wilshaw
Ada b. 1908Harold b. 1902Herbert b. 1877John b. 1907Mary Ann b. 1878, d. about 1947Ronald b. 1904
- Wilson
(?) b. about 1847, d. before 1881Agnes b. about 1770
Agnes Sarah b. 1836, d. about 1867
Alan b. 1896Alice b. about 1864Alice b. 1904Ann b. 1804Ann b. 1840Ann Hillier b. about 1848, d. 1927Annie b. about 1848, d. 1927Annie b. 1903Annie b. 1909, d. 2003Annie Josephine b. 1854, d. 1916Arthur b. 1904Arthur b. about 1916, d. about 1937Ben b. about 1891Bertha H b. 1884Betty b. 1801, d. about 1876Catherine b. 1925, d. 1985Charles b. 1875Charles Cecil b. 1902Charlotte E b. 1882Edith Bolling b. 1872, d. 1961Elizabeth b. 1839Elizabeth b. 1847, d. about 1909 - Wilson (cont.)
Elizabeth Ann b. 1827Elizabeth Ann b. about 1837Ellen b. about 1735Ellen b. about 1856
Ellen Louise b. 1860, d. 1914
Ernest Jowitt b. 1868Ethel Richman b. about 1882Eunice b. 1775, d. 1871Florence b. 1870Florence Louise b. 1898Frank b. 1854, d. 1940Frank b. about 1935Frederick Stephen b. 1900George b. 1811, d. 1875George b. 1812, d. 1888George b. 1872George Dearnley b. 1861George Dearnley b. 1896, d. 1946George William b. about 1837George William b. 1865Gwendoline Gladys b. 1884Hannah b. 1745, d. 1783Hannah b. about 1825Hannah b. 1861Ishbel b. 1924, d. 2018 - Wilson (cont.)
James b. about 1819, d. after 1883Janet b. about 1804
Janet b. 1826, d. 1888
Jeremiah b. about 1785Jeremiah b. 1841, d. 1886Jessie b. 1865, d. 1936John b. about 1661John b. 1804John Dearneley b. about 1846, d. about 1909John Dearnley b. about 1846, d. about 1909John Denerly b. about 1846, d. about 1909Joseph b. 1841Joseph Ruggles b. 1822, d. 1903Joseph Ruggles Jr b. 1867, d. 1927Josephine b. 1886Joshua b. 1751Julia May b. about 1919Lawrence b. 1879Lawrence Michael Dearnaley b. 1919, d. about 2004Lilian b. about 1912Lilian b. about 1918Lorna b. 1903, d. 1984Lucille S b. 1915Lucy b. 1874Mabel b. 1879, d. 1941 - Wilson (cont.)
Mabel b. 1882Madge b. 1897Maggie b. 1882Margaret b. about 1837Margaret b. 1847Marion b. 1881Marion Morton b. 1850, d. 1890Martha b. 1850Mary b. 1812, d. 1885Mary b. about 1861Mary b. 1871Mary b. 1891Mary Ann b. 1847Mary Ann b. 1876Mary Rosalind b. 1923, d. 2009Maud May b. about 1906Michael b. about 1833Michael b. 1919, d. about 2004Mildred b. 1911Nancy b. 1926, d. 2006Olive Y b. 1915Phebe b. about 1743Polly b. 1876Robert b. 1842, d. about 1928Robert b. 1925, d. 2007
- Wilson (cont.)
Ronald b. about 1837Rosalind b. 1889, d. 1968Sally b. 1939, d. 2018Samuel b. 1847Sarah b. 1662, d. 1725Sarah b. about 1804, d. about 1837Sarah b. 1839Sarah b. 1873Sarah Jane b. about 1875Shirley b. 1952, d. 2014Sidney F b. 1886Stanley b. about 1908Sydney F b. 1886Thomas Sykes b. 1832, d. about 1863
Thomas Woodrow (President) b. 1856, d. 1924
Thomasina Louvain b. 1915
Unknown b. about 1847, d. before 1881Violet b. about 1915Walter b. about 1875Walter b. 1923, d. 1996William b. about 1825William b. 1878William Martin b. 1837William Sykes b. 1835Woodrow b. 1856, d. 1924
- Wilton
Eliza Emily b. about 1871
- Wimpenny
Sarah Jane b. 1861
- Winder
Henry John b. 1825John b. about 1799Mary b. about 1799Mary Ann b. 1832Robert b. 1829Sarah b. 1827, d. about 1875William b. 1830
- Wingate
Sally b. about 1750Sarah b. about 1750
- Winkelmater
Josef P D'A b. 1904
- Winkelmayer
Anna G H J b. 1902Dorothea b. about 1878, d. 1952Josef b. 1876Josef Pedroso de Albuquerque b. 1904Joseph Michael b. 1876
- Winnemore
David b. 1944, d. 1981Kay E b. 1946, d. 2009
- Winstone
Geoffrey G b. about 1921, d. before 2008
- Winter
Emily L b. 1890Emmeline b. about 1873, d. about 1925Frances Elizabeth b. 1886Susan b. about 1830Violet E b. 1905
- Winterborn
Arthur b. 1914, d. about 2000Mary b. 1912, d. about 1991
- Winterbotham
Elsie b. 1899, d. 1984Martha b. 1788
- Winterbottom
Betty b. between 1781 and 1786David b. 1794, d. 1878George b. 1818Hannah b. 1792, d. about 1845Harriett b. 1825Joseph b. 1820Joshua b. 1826Joshua Edward b. 1859Moses b. 1830
- Winterburn
Arthur b. 1914, d. about 2000Barry b. 1947, d. before 2014
Jack b. about 1920, d. before 2008
Jenny b. 1913, d. about 1995
John b. about 1920, d. before 2008
John Barry b. 1947, d. before 2014Mary b. 1912, d. about 1991 - Wintle
(?) b. about 1848, d. before 1892Sarah b. 1834, d. about 1915Unknown b. about 1848, d. before 1892William Wheeler b. 1847, d. about 1919
- Wipperman
Clara Matilda Anna b. 1830, d. about 1870Clara Matilda Hannah b. 1830, d. about 1870
- Wisby
Sarah b. about 1814
- Wiston
Emma b. 1858, d. about 1886John b. about 1830Nancy b. 1839
- Witham
Minnie b. 1878, d. 1962
- Withworth
Wm H b. 1837
- Witkowski
Stanley F b. 1917, d. 1979Stasia T b. 1916, d. 1999
- Witten
Mary Ann b. 1860, d. 1940
- Wittorth
Mary b. about 1692
- Witworth
Elizabeth b. about 1782
- Wodrow
Catherine b. 1761Janet b. 1754Janet b. 1766Jean b. about 1730Jean b. 1756Joanna Sclater b. 1769John b. about 1726John b. about 1765, d. 1837Margaret b. 1760
- Woely
Rebecca b. about 1635
- Woffenden
Ada b. 1878Clara b. 1851Florence b. 1882Freddy b. 1881Herbert b. about 1916John b. 1849Nellie b. 1917, d. about 2005
- Wolfe
Elizabeth b. 1926, d. 2015
- Wolstenholme
Christina b. 1916, d. 2014John b. about 1888
- Womack
Elizabeth Ann b. 1862James b. about 1807Sarah b. 1832William b. 1835
- Wombwell
Barbara b. about 1530
- Wonham
Annie Dorcas b. 1904Edwin Lawrence b. about 1887
- Wood
Agnes Maud b. 1885, d. 1942Albert b. 1873Albert b. about 1881Albert b. 1884Albert b. 1898Alice b. about 1639Alice b. about 1705Alice A b. 1869, d. before 1930Amelia b. 1868Amy b. about 1875, d. about 1878Ann b. about 1667, d. 1716Ann b. about 1815Ann b. 1844Anne b. 1707Annice b. about 1860Annie b. 1873, d. 1954Annie Freda b. 1928, d. about 1976Annis b. about 1860Arthur b. 1888Benjamin b. about 1833Betsy b. 1886, d. 1971Betty b. 1771, d. 1793Betty b. 1793Carmen b. 1880Cecil Schofield b. about 1878, d. 1962
- Wood (cont.)
Chapman b. about 1645, d. after 1667Chapman b. 1666, d. after 1710Chapman b. 1698Charles b. 1871Chestina b. 1924, d. 2012Clara b. 1863Clara b. 1877Clara b. 1905, d. about 1984Clara b. 1906David b. about 1801Dennis O b. about 1928Edmund b. 1882Edward b. 1878Eliza b. 1809Elizabeth Ann b. 1858Elizabeth Ann b. 1881Elizabeth Hannah b. 1898, d. about 1970Ellen b. 1854Emma b. 1881Eric b. about 1922Ernest b. about 1886, d. before 1915Esther b. 1883Esther Ann b. 1908Esther Hannah b. 1908Fanny b. 1850, d. about 1880
- Wood (cont.)
Frances b. 1850, d. about 1880Frances b. 1898Francis b. about 1639Fred b. 1902George b. about 1816George b. 1829George b. about 1874George Herbert b. 1882Grace Hilda b. 1918, d. 2002Hannah b. about 1766, d. 1832Hannah b. 1799, d. about 1868Hannah b. 1874Hannah b. about 1926, d. about 1926Harriet b. 1885Harriet A b. 1880Harriett b. 1825Harry b. 1878Harry b. 1915Isabella b. 1885James b. 1831James b. 1909James Henry b. 1851Jane b. 1822, d. 1867Jane b. 1838Jennet b. 1836
- Wood (cont.)
John b. 1702John b. about 1725John b. about 1795John b. about 1804John b. about 1819John b. about 1822John b. 1843, d. about 1903John b. 1847, d. before 1881John b. about 1869John b. 1906John William b. 1900Joseph b. about 1813Joseph b. about 1844Joseph b. about 1849Joshua b. about 1801Joshua b. about 1860, d. before 1928Lavinia b. 1859
Leah b. 1860, d. about 1923
Leah b. 1877Lilian b. about 1934, d. about 1934Lucy b. 1914Lucy Ann b. 1873, d. 1940Luke b. 1808Margaret b. about 1917Maria b. 1832 - Wood (cont.)
Maria b. about 1837Maria b. 1877Mariah b. about 1837Martha b. about 1726, d. after 1766Martha b. about 1763Martha b. between 1776 and 1781Martha b. 1829, d. about 1909Martha b. about 1849Martha Ann b. 1852Mary b. about 1612, d. 1667Mary b. 1709, d. after 1751Mary b. about 1735Mary b. about 1754Mary b. 1785Mary b. 1808Mary b. 1840, d. 1888Mary Ann b. 1852Mary Ellen b. 1901Mary Ester Dora b. 1909Mary Hannah b. 1880, d. about 1967Maud Berwick b. 1871, d. 1925Maude Berwick b. 1871, d. 1925