- Curr
Rosannah b. about 1800
- Curran
Doris b. 1896, d. about 1967Elizabeth Anne b. 1969, d. 2018Emily b. 1910, d. 1993Frank b. 1907, d. before 1969Norah b. 1929, d. 2016Thomas b. 1897
- Curteys
Flower b. 1589, d. after 1632
- Curtice
Henry b. about 1600Susan b. about 1600
- Curties
Elizabeth b. about 1549John b. 1558
- Curtis
Florence Annie May b. 1920, d. about 2002
James H b. about 1920Jane b. about 1590 - Cusack
Annie E b. about 1919Robert R b. about 1918
- Cussins
Ann b. about 1837Esther Anne b. 1867, d. 1943George b. about 1837
- Cusworth
Alice b. 1882Clara b. 1878, d. about 1945Fred b. about 1853, d. before 1908Harry b. 1878John F b. about 1912, d. about 1944
- Cutress
Ann b. 1828Charles b. 1818Charlotte b. 1810Elizabeth b. 1786Elizabeth b. 1809, d. 1875Frances b. 1830George b. 1822Henry b. 1825John b. 1780, d. about 1856Martha b. 1824Mary b. 1815Phoebe b. 1822Rebecca b. 1817Sarah b. 1811William b. 1831
- Cuttell
Abel b. about 1792Mary b. 1820, d. about 1859
- Cutteris
Charles b. 1818George b. 1822Henry b. 1825Martha b. 1824Mary b. 1815Rebecca b. 1817Sarah b. 1811
- Cuttress
Charles b. 1818Elizabeth b. 1786Elizabeth b. 1809, d. 1875George b. 1867John b. 1780, d. about 1856Lizzie b. 1862Phoebe b. 1822
- Cutts
James b. 1869Margaret b. 1893Nancy b. 1868, d. about 1941
- Cyr
Michelle Lee b. 1970, d. 2002
- D Egannch
Edwin b. 1873, d. about 1942George b. 1870, d. about 1902Harriet Jane b. 1849, d. about 1895Herbert b. 1875Marian Josephine b. about 1877Philip Déganneh b. 1843, d. about 1888
- d'Albuquerque, D'Albuquerque
Antonio Manuel Pedrozo b. about 1875, d. 1913Beatrice Alice b. 1865, d. about 1945Clara Luiza P b. about 1873Clara Matilda Anna b. 1830, d. about 1870Dora b. about 1878, d. 1952Dorathea Inez J P b. about 1878, d. 1952Dorothea b. about 1878, d. 1952Edward Wipperman Pedrozo b. 1859, d. about 1861Elise Pedrozo b. 1909Florence Hilda b. 1889, d. about 1964Francis R b. 1907Francisco Antonio Pedrois b. 1830, d. about 1908Francisco Antonio Pedrozo b. 1830, d. about 1908Francisco Antonio Pedrozo b. 1857Inez Marie Pedrozo b. 1904, d. about 1977J P b. 1865, d. about 1941John Pedroso (Professor) M.A., F.I.C., F.C.SS., b. 1865, d. about 1941John Pedrozo b. 1865, d. about 1941Lewis Pedrozo b. 1911, d. about 1969Mary b. 1911Mary Jane b. 1850, d. 1892Mary P D O'M b. 1916Valeria Ash P b. 1912, d. about 1974William Henry b. 1893, d. 1955
- D'Altera
June b. 1928, d. 2020Lorna June b. 1928, d. 2020
- D'Arnley
Harriet b. 1836, d. about 1896
- D'Egamich
George b. 1870, d. about 1902
- D'Eganneh
Edwin b. 1873, d. about 1942George b. 1870, d. about 1902Herbert b. 1875Marion Josephine b. about 1877Philip b. 1843, d. about 1888Unknown b. about 1880
- Da Costa
Brenda b. 1918, d. about 1987Hubert J b. about 1917
- Dabbs
Alice May b. 1899, d. 1963
- DaCosta
Anita b. about 1940, d. 1989Brenda b. 1918, d. about 1987
- Dacre
Albert Edward Wilfred b. 1908, d. about 1984Alfred b. about 1881, d. before 1934Marjorie b. 1908, d. about 1989
- Daernerley
Hannah b. about 1775, d. 1809
- Dainty
Martha b. 1824Martha b. 1858Mary b. about 1852Thomas b. 1824
- Dakin
Ann b. 1759, d. 1820Dinah b. about 1815Jane b. 1846Thomas Horatio b. about 1815Thomas Worth b. 1843
- Dalby
Bernard b. 1929Clara Dearnley b. 1899, d. 1949Frederick b. 1899, d. about 1932
- Dale
Bertha b. 1876James b. about 1875John b. 1846Joseph b. 1873Mary b. 1877Sarah b. 1827
- Dales
Florence Harriet b. 1864, d. 1946William b. about 1836, d. before 1906
- Dalton
Ellen b. 1856, d. about 1935
- Damaley
Abraham b. 1874, d. 1950Annie b. 1863Luke b. about 1860, d. 1934Sarah Ellen b. about 1868, d. 1894
- Damely
Dinah b. 1798, d. 1798Thomas b. 1771, d. 1818
- Damgaard
Allan b. about 1913Ellen Mathea b. about 1905Jane b. about 1909Jennie b. about 1909
Kai Harald b. 1883, d. about 1936
Kai Harold b. 1883, d. about 1936
Leonard b. about 1915Lily b. about 1895, d. about 1937Margaret b. 1881, d. about 1937Olga b. about 1907 - Damley
Mary b. 1860
- Danalee
(?) b. about 1716, d. before 1746Susannah b. about 1716
- Danally
Elizabeth b. 1831James b. about 1759Rebekah b. about 1759
- Danarley
Betty b. 1800, d. about 1873Molly b. between 1816 and 1821, d. about 1844Richard b. about 1790Thomas b. 1817, d. 1879
- Danarly
Molly b. about 1844, d. about 1845
- Danartey
Thomas b. 1817, d. 1879
- Danby
Elizabeth b. 1853, d. 1893Fanny b. 1855, d. about 1933Jane Maria b. 1844Mary b. 1820, d. about 1903Sarah b. 1847, d. 1882William b. 1849, d. about 1883
- Dandell
Caroline b. about 1887
- Dane
Letta b. about 1866, d. 1927Sarah b. 1823Thomas b. about 1823, d. before 1890
- Daneley
Nathaniel b. 1809
- Danerley
Joseph b. about 1762Joseph b. 1790Mary b. about 1762
- Danerly
Hannah b. about 1840William b. 1827, d. 1860
- Dangerfield
Ivy H b. 1912
- Daniel
Esther b. about 1764James b. about 1764Jeanette Gladys b. 1902Robert b. about 1902
- Daniells
William b. about 1835
- Daniels
Betsy b. 1834Unknown b. 1834William b. about 1835William b. about 1852
- Danilee
Margery b. about 1706Patrick b. about 1706
- Danily
Ann b. 1815Ann b. 1848Ann b. 1864Elizabeth b. 1845Jemima b. 1833Joseph b. 1783, d. before 1851Joseph b. 1843Letticia b. 1857Margaret b. about 1755Mary b. 1856, d. between 1881 and 1891Richard b. 1817, d. 1878Richard b. about 1861Richard b. 1876Sarah b. 1784Thomas b. 1853William b. about 1755William b. 1854
- Danley
Henry b. 1835, d. 1898John b. 1835
- Dannely
Mary b. 1676, d. 1677William b. 1651
- Dannerley
Ann b. 1743, d. about 1793Hannah b. 1815, d. about 1858Hannah b. 1838James b. 1740, d. 1801John b. 1817, d. about 1878Joseph b. 1821, d. 1895Louisa b. 1840, d. about 1898Samuel b. 1764
- Dannerly
Charles b. 1755, d. 1810Elizabeth b. 1822John b. 1790, d. 1837Margaret b. 1819
- Danniley
William b. 1770
- Danse
Arthur b. about 1913Irene D b. 1908
- Daranalley
Isaiah b. 1789Martha b. about 1782, d. 1818Mary b. 1810, d. 1866
- Darby
Benjamin C b. about 1875Eva Mary b. 1876
- Dare
Annie b. 1862
- Dareling
Ann b. about 1682, d. before 1732
- Darling
Samuel b. about 1690
- Darlinge
Elizabeth b. about 1576John b. about 1577
- Darlington
Ellen b. 1831John b. 1836, d. about 1882
- Darmlly
Themasin b. 1587
- Darnalby
James Cooper b. 1876, d. about 1954
- Darnale
Isaiah b. 1762, d. 1811Sarah b. about 1762
- Darnalee
Anne b. 1787Dinah b. 1790Isaiah b. 1762, d. 1811Margaret b. about 1772Margaret b. 1784Mary b. about 1773Sarah b. about 1762Thomas b. 1771, d. 1818
- Darnaley
Abel b. 1797, d. about 1866
Agnes b. about 1500, d. 1549Amus b. 1789, d. 1865Ann b. about 1687, d. 1724Ann b. about 1704Ann b. about 1757Ann b. 1779Ann b. 1812, d. 1848Charlotte b. 1789, d. 1825David b. 1840, d. 1894Dinah b. 1718Dinah b. 1766Edward b. 1890, d. 1956Elizabeth b. about 1548, d. 1622Elizabeth b. about 1770Elizabeth b. 1850Ellen Park b. 1834Francis b. about 1548Fraunces b. about 1548Geoffrey b. about 1510, d. 1566Gilbert b. 1683Hannah b. 1778, d. 1786Hannah b. 1819, d. before 1856Hugh b. about 1540, d. 1570Isaiah b. 1718 - Darnaley (cont.)
Isaiah b. 1762, d. 1811James b. 1753James b. 1779, d. 1784James b. 1779, d. 1784James b. 1841, d. about 1915James Cooper b. 1876, d. about 1954Jenny b. 1737Joan b. about 1546Joan b. about 1570, d. 1622John b. about 1547, d. 1617John b. about 1744John b. 1768John b. 1771, d. 1830John b. 1775, d. 1815John B b. 1880, d. before 1930Jone b. about 1550, d. 1614Joseph b. 1740, d. 1827Joseph b. 1779Joseph b. 1840, d. about 1876Joseph E b. 1885, d. 1978Margaret b. about 1723Margaret b. 1748Margaret b. 1837, d. 1906Mary b. about 1552Mary b. about 1744
- Darnaley (cont.)
Mary b. 1774Mary b. 1782Raphael b. about 1544, d. 1604Samuel b. 1830Sarah b. about 1762Sarah b. about 1780Sarah Ann b. 1830, d. before 1885Susan b. about 1565Thomas b. about 1546, d. 1616Thomas b. 1775, d. 1778Unknown b. about 1510Unknown b. about 1723William b. about 1554, d. 1615William b. 1751, d. 1758William b. 1758, d. 1841William b. 1773, d. 1785William b. 1777William b. 1802
- Darnall
Elizabeth b. about 1732John b. about 1732
- Darnallay
Fanny b. 1826, d. 1826
- Darnalle
Elezabeth b. about 1642Robert b. about 1642William b. 1670
- Darnalley
Ann b. about 1757Ann b. about 1789Cornelius b. 1840, d. 1843James b. 1753John b. 1816Margaret b. 1817Rachel b. about 1750Sarah b. about 1795Thomas b. 1775, d. 1778
- Darnalli
Elizabeth b. 1612, d. before 1621Franncis b. 1613William b. 1577, d. 1579
- Darnallie
Elizabeth b. 1612, d. before 1621Elizabeth b. 1616Franncis b. 1613Margaret b. between 1500 and 1575, d. 1575William b. 1577, d. 1579William b. 1580
- Darnally
Ann b. about 1770Ann b. 1825Anna b. 1628Anne b. 1605, d. 1605Benjamin b. 1827, d. about 1875Edward b. 1697Elizabeth b. 1584Elizabeth b. about 1606Elizabeth b. 1630Elizabeth b. 1697Elizabeth b. about 1732Elizabeth b. about 1793Elizabeth b. 1814Emily b. 1869Frances b. 1628Francis b. 1601George b. about 1713George W b. 1868, d. about 1927Hannah b. 1664, d. 1729Henry b. 1699Isabell b. about 1552, d. 1596Isaiah b. 1718Jeffery b. 1630, d. 1631John b. about 1732John b. about 1770
- Darnally (cont.)
Joseph b. 1632, d. 1635Joseph b. 1787, d. about 1864Margaret b. 1748Maria b. 1814, d. about 1872Mary b. 1623, d. 1623Mary b. 1632Mary b. about 1714Mary b. 1749Mary b. 1789, d. 1792Mary b. 1799Mary b. 1820Mary Ann b. 1842Mary Ellen b. 1865, d. about 1944
Nancy b. about 1788, d. about 1856
Nimrod b. 1851, d. about 1852Richard b. about 1570Richard b. 1653, d. 1733Roger b. 1659, d. 1720Samuel b. 1816, d. about 1885Sarah b. 1760Sarah b. 1832Sarah E b. about 1849Thomas b. about 1605Thomas b. 1628Thomas b. 1695 - Darnally (cont.)
Thomas b. 1759, d. 1822Thomas b. 1806, d. about 1858William b. about 1552, d. 1598William b. 1577, d. 1579William b. 1630William b. 1796, d. 1836William b. 1798