- Denton (cont.)
Mary Eliza Dearnley b. 1904Mavis b. 1927Thomas b. 1861, d. about 1945Thomas Dearnley b. 1902, d. 1983Valentine b. about 1798William Dearnley b. 1896, d. 1950
- Deornelly
Mary b. 1832, d. about 1905Samuel b. 1862, d. about 1929
- Deplitch
Benjamin b. 1833James b. 1829John b. 1825Jonathan b. 1805, d. 1870Jonathan b. 1841Martha b. 1831Mary b. 1837Rhoda b. 1804, d. 1885William b. 1827
- Depson
Henry b. about 1608, d. 1649
- Deranely
Samuel b. 1768, d. 1838
- Derenelly
John b. about 1664John b. about 1692, d. 1694
- Derlegh
Alice b. about 1350Nicholaus de b. about 1350
- Dermaley
Margaret b. 1819William Threlfall b. 1835, d. about 1847
- Dermerley
Margaret b. 1819
- Dermilye
Alicea b. 1631, d. 1635Willimi b. about 1605, d. before 1658
- Dermley
Allen b. 1832, d. about 1900Elizabeth b. 1835, d. about 1910Ellen b. 1830, d. 1882Jane b. about 1863John b. 1866John Thomas b. 1857, d. about 1894Peggy b. 1774William b. 1752
- Dermody
Ellen b. 1846Roger b. 1843
- Dermondy
Agnes b. 1851Joseph L b. 1842Mary A b. 1805Mary A b. 1869Roger b. 1805, d. before 1881
- Dernaley
Abel b. 1797, d. about 1866
Abel b. 1830, d. about 1849Abel b. about 1859, d. about 1896Alfred b. 1847, d. 1907Allen b. about 1857, d. 1925Ann b. 1743, d. about 1793Ann b. 1782, d. about 1852Ann b. 1799, d. about 1861Ann b. 1800, d. 1867Ann b. 1830, d. 1910Anna b. 1687, d. 1709Anna b. 1719, d. 1719Anne b. 1811, d. 1835Arthur b. 1853, d. about 1898Bettey b. 1770Betty b. 1788, d. between 1851 and 1861Betty b. 1823, d. about 1886Charles b. 1833, d. 1901David b. 1843, d. 1895David b. 1844, d. 1894Dorothy b. about 1735Edward b. about 1648, d. 1715Edward b. 1832, d. 1887Edwin James b. 1861, d. 1953Eliza b. 1827, d. about 1903 - Dernaley (cont.)
Eliza b. 1852Eliza b. 1888, d. about 1977Elizabeth b. about 1723Elizabeth b. 1763, d. 1804Elizabeth b. 1781, d. 1842Elizabeth b. 1831Elizabeth b. about 1855Ellen b. 1782Emma b. 1834Esther b. 1811Eveline b. 1858Evelyn b. 1858George b. 1819, d. about 1864Grace b. about 1813Hannah b. 1770, d. 1845Hannah b. 1790, d. 1792Hannah b. 1805, d. 1868Hannah b. 1812Hannah b. 1816, d. about 1871Hannah b. 1852, d. about 1916Helen Park b. 1834
Henry b. 1823, d. 1888
James b. 1740, d. 1801James b. 1783, d. about 1854James b. about 1785, d. 1786 - Dernaley (cont.)
James b. 1809, d. about 1854James b. 1814, d. about 1870James b. 1841, d. about 1915Jane b. about 1862Joe H b. about 1861Joel b. 1769, d. 1850John b. 1708, d. 1780John b. 1752, d. 1820John b. 1766, d. 1838John b. 1771, d. 1830John b. 1781, d. 1865John b. about 1796John b. 1803, d. 1804John b. 1803, d. 1873John b. 1819, d. 1839John b. 1869, d. 1871John Edwin b. 1875, d. 1955John Edwin b. 1909, d. 1971Joseph b. about 1740Joseph b. 1740, d. 1827Joseph b. 1747, d. 1824Joseph b. about 1754Joseph b. 1760, d. 1853Joseph b. 1850Josiah b. 1780, d. 1781
- Dernaley (cont.)
Josiph b. about 1754Julia b. 1787, d. 1844Laura b. 1863, d. 1951Malley b. 1779, d. 1843Margaret b. 1717, d. 1722Margaret b. 1830Maria b. about 1647, d. 1710Martha b. about 1738Martha b. 1784Martha b. 1789, d. 1792Mary b. 1666, d. 1683Mary b. about 1681, d. about 1769Mary b. about 1719Mary b. about 1745Mary b. about 1770Mary b. 1795, d. 1824Mary b. 1797, d. 1846Mary b. 1797, d. 1846Mary b. 1798, d. about 1870Mary b. 1811Mary b. 1823, d. 1823Mary b. 1828Mary Alice b. 1886Milcah b. 1833, d. 1905Molley b. about 1754
- Dernaley (cont.)
Nancy b. 1792Nellie b. about 1871Peggey b. 1787Priscilla b. 1838, d. about 1839Rebecca Snape b. 1849, d. about 1850Richard b. 1805, d. about 1851Ruth b. 1817Sally b. about 1750Samuel b. about 1735Samuel b. about 1750Samuel b. 1768, d. 1838Samuel b. 1790Samuel b. 1793, d. 1846Samuel b. 1805, d. 1882Samuel b. 1809, d. 1854Sarah b. about 1740Sarah b. about 1801Sarah b. 1801, d. 1850Sarah b. 1832Sarah A b. about 1865, d. 1939Susannah b. 1813, d. about 1867Thomas b. 1786, d. 1860Unnamed b. 1788, d. 1788William b. 1696, d. 1775William b. 1776, d. 1860
- Dernaley (cont.)
William b. 1807, d. 1877William b. 1824, d. between 1851 and 1855William b. 1827, d. about 1908William b. 1834, d. 1839William Snape b. 1851, d. 1851
- Dernalley
Abel b. 1797, d. about 1866
Ann b. about 1756Ann b. 1800, d. 1867Betty b. 1751Edward b. about 1737Esther b. 1728George b. 1807Hannah b. 1837Hannah b. 1837, d. 1850Henrietta b. 1810James b. 1737John b. 1771, d. 1830Margaret b. about 1775Mary b. about 1770Peggy b. about 1765, d. 1766Robert b. about 1873, d. about 1873Sampson b. 1809, d. 1884Samson b. 1811, d. 1850Sarah b. 1810Sarah b. 1832William b. 1752William b. about 1756 - Dernally
(?) b. about 1690, d. before 1756(?) b. 1720Abel b. 1819, d. 1888Abraham b. 1796Abram b. 1796Andrew b. 1808, d. 1829Ann b. 1725, d. 1782Ann b. 1733Ann b. about 1737Ann b. about 1754Ann b. about 1756Ann b. about 1770Ann b. about 1777Ann b. 1784Ann b. 1784Ann b. about 1786, d. 1786Ann b. about 1794, d. 1794Ann b. about 1797, d. 1797Anne b. 1820, d. 1861Aquina b. 1808, d. 1862
Bernard b. about 1852, d. about 1922
Betty b. about 1733Betty b. 1737Betty b. 1751Betty b. about 1767, d. 1835 - Dernally (cont.)
Betty b. 1772, d. 1773Betty b. 1808, d. about 1894Charlotte b. 1789, d. 1825Cornelius b. 1771, d. 1822David b. 1839, d. 1839Deborah b. 1757, d. 1809Edward b. about 1688, d. 1764Edward b. 1739, d. 1812Edward b. 1739, d. 1812Edward b. 1749, d. 1813Edward b. 1750, d. 1751Edwin b. 1828, d. 1833Elizabeth b. 1697Elizabeth b. about 1729Elizabeth b. 1740, d. 1814Elizabeth b. about 1772Elizabeth b. 1792Elizabeth b. 1814Elizabeth b. 1827Ellen b. 1769, d. about 1846Esther b. 1728Esther b. 1755Esther b. about 1756Esther b. 1756Esther b. about 1759
- Dernally (cont.)
Esther b. about 1764Fanny b. 1796Frances b. 1796George b. 1749, d. 1750George b. 1758George b. 1781, d. 1785Grace b. 1765, d. about 1854Guliemus b. 1662, d. 1674Hamas b. 1789, d. 1865Hannah b. about 1727, d. 1774Hannah b. 1739, d. 1773Hannah b. 1744Hannah b. 1754, d. 1786Hannah b. 1755Hannah b. about 1765Hannah b. about 1768Hannah b. about 1775Hannah b. 1783Hannah b. about 1784, d. 1785Hannah b. about 1792Hannah b. 1819, d. before 1856Hannah b. 1840Harriet b. about 1840Harriett b. 1832Henry b. 1774, d. 1774
- Dernally (cont.)
Henry b. 1801James b. 1701James b. about 1716James b. 1720James b. about 1722James b. 1723, d. 1795James b. about 1727James b. 1735, d. 1821James b. about 1762James b. 1763, d. 1805James b. 1764, d. 1778James b. between 1765 and 1766, d. 1839James b. about 1777James b. about 1780, d. 1781James b. 1780James b. 1781, d. 1843James b. 1783, d. about 1858James b. 1792, d. 1799James b. 1809, d. 1853James b. 1836Jane b. 1737Jane b. about 1770Jane b. about 1772Jane b. 1772, d. 1775Jane b. about 1778
- Dernally (cont.)
Jas b. about 1727Jemimah b. 1740, d. 1816Jemimah b. 1778, d. 1778Jemime b. 1778, d. 1778Jenny b. 1737Jenny b. 1740, d. 1816Jenny b. about 1759Jeremiah b. 1752, d. before 1790Jinney b. 1772, d. 1775Joel b. 1769, d. 1850John b. about 1692John b. about 1699, d. 1742John b. 1719, d. 1795John b. 1726, d. 1772John b. about 1733John b. 1740John b. 1749John b. 1749John b. 1749John b. 1749John b. about 1750, d. 1751John b. 1752, d. 1829John b. 1752, d. 1820John b. about 1759John b. 1765, d. 1843
- Dernally (cont.)
John b. about 1770John b. about 1770John b. 1771, d. 1771John b. 1776, d. before 1809John b. 1782, d. 1849John b. 1788, d. 1838John b. about 1790, d. 1791John b. 1794John b. 1810, d. 1836John b. 1819, d. 1826John b. 1827, d. 1891John b. 1836John William b. 1851, d. about 1855Jonas b. 1807, d. about 1895Jonas b. 1807, d. about 1895Jos b. 1723, d. 1795Joseph b. 1719Joseph b. about 1723Joseph b. 1730, d. about 1806Joseph b. 1740, d. 1827Joseph b. about 1754Joseph b. about 1763Joseph b. 1765, d. 1826Joseph b. 1787, d. 1862Joseph b. 1791, d. 1792
- Dernally (cont.)
Joseph b. 1795, d. 1796Joshua b. about 1730Judith b. 1809, d. about 1866Lowis b. 1735, d. 1736Luke b. 1810, d. about 1899Margaret b. about 1690, d. 1756Margaret b. 1811Margaret b. 1830Margaret b. 1830Margaret b. 1849Margret b. 1813Maria b. about 1840Martha b. junl 1744, d. 1747Martha b. about 1730Martha b. about 1738, d. 1792Martha b. between 1766 and 1771, d. 1841Martha b. about 1770Martha b. 1789, d. 1792Martha b. about 1790Martha b. 1849Mary b. about 1704, d. 1746Mary b. 1726, d. 1809Mary b. about 1728, d. 1807Mary b. 1732Mary b. about 1744, d. 1745
- Dernally (cont.)
Mary b. 1750Mary b. about 1752, d. 1825Mary b. about 1753Mary b. about 1754Mary b. about 1761, d. 1799Mary b. about 1763Mary b. about 1765, d. 1772Mary b. about 1773Mary b. about 1775Mary b. about 1779, d. 1780Mary b. 1785Mary b. 1789Mary b. 1793, d. 1867Mary b. 1793, d. 1867Neddy b. 1772, d. about 1847Peter b. 1742, d. 1814Peter b. 1742, d. 1814Peter b. 1775Phobe b. 1833, d. about 1884Priscilla b. 1753Rachel b. about 1710Rachel b. 1839Ralph b. about 1750, d. 1750Rechal b. 1839Richard b. 1750
- Dernally (cont.)
Richard b. about 1772Richard b. 1805, d. about 1851Robert b. 1770Robert b. about 1790Robert b. about 1873, d. about 1873